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  1. 01.09.2025

    NCQA Announces Two New Members to Board of Directors

    New health care leaders include Dr. J. Marc Overhage and Dr. Geoffrey Neimark

  2. 12.17.2024

    NCQA Founder and President Margaret E. O’Kane To Retire After 35 Years of Service

    O’Kane will step down as President at the end of 2025. NCQA will conduct a national search for her successor.

  3. 12.09.2024
  4. 12.09.2024

    NCQA to Test New Data Collection Methods for the HEDIS Medicare Health Outcomes Survey

    The survey is a vital tool for measuring Medicare Advantage Organizations’ success in improving the physical and mental health of their members.

  5. 11.14.2024

    NCQA Focuses on Improving Asthma Outcomes in New Whitepaper

    Report Outlines the Realities of Asthma Care in the United States and the Policy and Clinical Interventions that May Provide Improvements to Current Asthma Care

  6. 10.22.2024

    NCQA Celebrates Health Care Quality Week by Highlighting Quality Innovators

    Three NCQA Innovation Award recipients, recognized for excellence in accelerating health equity and delivery system design, include Elevance Health, UniCare Health Plan of West Virginia and Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

  7. 09.23.2024

    NCQA Selects Arizona as First Partner to Support Providers with Health Equity Accreditation

    Program updates ensure consistent, effective and diligent qualification verification process

  8. 09.16.2024

    NCQA Unveils 2024 Health Plan Ratings

    This year 5 health plans achieved a 5-star rating.

Media Information and Contacts

NCQA can suggest experts from the topics below. E-Mail us to request a media interview, or contact Andy Reynolds, Assistant Vice President for External Relations, at 202-955-3518.

Expertise include, but are not limited to, the following healthcare topics:

  • Measurement and Quality Improvement
  • Patient-Centered Medical Home
  • How To Find a Health Plan?
  • How To Find a Provider?
  • America's Annual Health Care Quality Check Up
  • Accountable Care Organizations
  • Getting Efficient, High Quality Care