NCQA Certification programs evaluate systems and processes that support data collection, surveys and quality improvement. NCQA-Certified vendors have gone through a rigorous process to validate accuracy and support your organization.
Certifications for collecting provider/practice data
Prevalidation for PCMH/PCSP: Identifies HIT solutions that support primary care and specialty practices seeking NCQA PCMH or PCSP Recognition.
Certifications for collecting health plan data
CAHPS 5.1H Survey Certification: Certifies vendors that collect data for the Health Plan Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS 5.1H) Survey.
HEDIS® Compliance Audit Certification: Licenses organizations and certifies individuals affiliated with licensed organizations to conduct HEDIS Compliance Audits using NCQA’s standardized audit methodology.
Measure Certification: Certifies organizations that develop, license and sell HEDIS, AMP and other quality-measure reporting software that calculates measures using administrative data sources.
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