
State Affairs

NCQA programs and services are used by nearly every state. Our team works closely with state officials to understand their quality goals for better, more efficient care.


NCQA works with states to enhance their health care quality initiatives, strategies and oversight.

NCQA understands that each state has specific goals and concerns, and works closely with all stakeholders to find the right approach to achieving high-quality health care.

Solutions vary by state, from the requirement that Medicaid managed care plans earn NCQA Health Plan Accreditation, to incentives for primary care practices to become recognized as NCQA Patient-Centered Medical Homes.

Our HEDIS® quality measures are the foundation of many state-operated quality reporting and value-based payment programs.

Our measure-development experts are available to provide technical assistance to states seeking a deeper analysis of provided care.

Explore our state landscape map for details on programs that each state requires and/or uses.

Read more about how we help states maximize the value of accreditation.



NCQA compiles various resources to help states and regulators as implement health care quality strategies and delivery system reforms:

  • Medicaid Managed Care Toolkit. The Medicaid Managed Care Final Rule reinforced the value of the “non-duplication” provision that allows states to accept accreditation standards as meeting certain state and federal Medicaid requirements. Our toolkit matches federal requirements in the Rule with the standards in NCQA’s Health Plan Accreditation, Medicaid Module and LTSS Distinction program. More than 75% of the standards align. If you have questions about the non-duplication provision, contact us at
  • Directory of Incentives for NCQA Recognition. Many states use NCQA Recognition programs in their quality initiatives. Our directory lists public, private and multi-payer initiatives by state that provide incentives for practices interested in earning NCQA Recognition.
  • NCQA Innovation Award Winners. The NCQA Innovation Awards recognize accredited health plans and recognized practices for implementing leading-edge strategies that improve both quality and value. They also recognize organizations that support delivery system redesign and patient engagement initiatives (including digital engagement strategies) that help drive better integration across the delivery system and support person-centered care. Read the compendium, featuring this year’s “Quality Accelerators in Health Care.
  • Public Policy Notes. Our quarterly newsletter updates state contacts on what’s new at NCQA and highlights key initiatives in state quality improvement. To subscribe, email
  •  White Paper: Electronic Quality Reporting for States. Based on the discussion at NCQA and HL7’s 3rd annual Digital Quality Summit, we developed a roadmap for moving forward—-a white paper that summarizes the discussion and lays out what participants agreed are seven key take-aways for advancing state digital reporting efforts.


Our State Affairs team produces a regular series of webinars that gives an overview of NCQA programs, answers audience questions and provides state examples. Check out our most recent briefings:

Contact if you would like us to cover a specific topic in our State Briefing series.


Our Center for State Quality Solutions works with state governments and other entities to offer specialized services.

From PCMH program development to performance measures, we collaborate with states to craft an individualized approach to health care quality priorities.

Learn more about our work.

HEDIS® is a registered trademark of the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA).

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