Inside Health Care #40 (Special Release), Standing With the Black Community

June 16, 2020 · Matt Brock

We want to make sure you don’t miss this. It’s an important edition of “Inside Health Care”.
Last week, NCQA issued a statement about the murders of  Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and George Floyd. 
The full statement is posted on our website. 
But here’s a small excerpt: 
“These terrible losses in succession, followed by violence against peaceful protesters, are unfortunately part of a larger picture of law enforcement aggression and racial profiling of Black Americans dating back generations. Advances in technology, such as cell phones, have brought awareness of these practices to the public eye, and we witness the unfolding events in horror and shame. We say to our Black fellow Americans: We stand with you. We demand change with you.”                                                             
All this has spurred a lot of introspection for people across the country, even across the globe. We are among them.                                                               

Inside Health Care, What to Expect


In this episode,” Peggy O’Kane, NCQA President, discusses the murders, racism, and the role of race in health disparities. She touches on NCQA planned steps to improve ourselves and our communities, in and outside health care.
She, again, shares her perspective with Frank Micciche, NCQA Vice President for Public Policy and Communications. 

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