Inside Health Care #51: Ashlee Wisdom, of Health In Her Hue, Discusses Delivering Culturally Competent Health Care

November 2, 2020 · Lawrence Green

Ashlee Wisdom of Health In Her Hue

In this episode of Inside Health Care, Ashlee Wisdom, CEO and founder of Health In Her Hue, chats with NCQA’s Lawrence Green about the importance of connecting Black women with culturally competent health care providers, telehealth services and health information that centers Black women’s lived experiences. Ashlee addresses how the roots of America’s health care system align against the interests of Black women and how she’s helping to change the narrative around health equities.

Ashlee also discusses how she built Health In Her Hue, user and patient responses to the website and app and the limitations of technology for providing systemic change in health care.

Don’t forget to check out NCQA’s Quality Innovation Series, featuring talks and seminars from health care experts, live and on-demand. And rate Inside Health Care on your podcast streaming platform!

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