MACRA Recognizes Our Patient-Centered Connected Care Practices

December 1, 2017 · Amy Maciejowski

There’s more good news for our practices in the 2018 Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) final rule.

The Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) and Patient-Centered Specialty Practice (PCSP) programs are widely accepted by stakeholders, payers and the government. Now, we can add our Patient-Centered Connected Care program to the list of programs gaining attention and acceptance for their value in organizing care.

The Connected Care program brings urgent care, retail and other stand-alone clinics into the medical neighborhood. It emphasizes clinical integration and communication between sites delivering intermittent or outpatient treatment (like an urgent care clinic) and a patient’s primary care provider.

Now, our Connected Care program is recognized as a “medium” activity category for the Improvement Activities section of the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS).

The “medium” weight provides 25% of the Improvement Activities score (50% if it’s a small, rural or HPSA practice).

This means NCQA-recognized Connected Care practices are a step ahead of the game.

That’s Not All, Folks…

The 2018 final rule awarded auto-credit for Connected Care practices in a second category: Advancing Care Information (ACI). Connected Care practices get an automatic 25% towards their ACI score by getting credits for 3 ACI measures:

  • Provide Patient Access
  • Patient-Specific Education
  • Patient-Generated Data

Practices can earn up to 10 points each toward their total ACI score.

Questions about this new auto-credit? Comment below!

For more information on our Connected Care program, you can visit our site.

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