Recognition Redesign Recap: Dr. Barr Summarizes NCQA PCMH Future
February 25, 2016 · Matt Brock
The Recognition Redesign Hangout
If you missed NCQA’s Recognition Redesign Google Hangout Wednesday, you missed some impressive reviews from the folks who participated in the redesign’s pilot process over the past few months. By all accounts, the changes will serve practices well in improving the transformation experience while continuing to set high health care quality standards.
If you did tune in, you know there were serious audio difficulties when Dr. Barr spoke. So, we asked him to provide his summary of the Redesign just one more time to post on our blog and to send directly to the people who’d signed up to view the Hangout.
Next Week
Look for an edited version of the full Google Hangout—with the poor audio eliminated—early next week. It will provide you with the insightful comments of our guests, Peggy Vazquez, RN, Director of Quality Improvement/Compliance, Primary Health Solutions, Loreta Villemez, Director of Data Analytics and Project Management, Neighborhood HealthCare and Joe Grundy, Director of Patient Care Transformation, Saint Luke’s Medical Group.
Here’s Dr. Barr.
Our apologies for the poor audio on Dr. Barr’s initial summary presentation. Check the blog and be on the lookout for the edited version of our Hangout.