Get Access to Quality Compass 2014: Commercial, Medicaid and Medicare

November 3, 2014 · NCQA

You can now access all three versions of Quality Compass 2014.

The Commercial version features includes new and updated measures from two Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS®) domains:

Effectiveness of Care

  • Asthma Medication Ratio
  • Human Papillomavirus Vaccine for Female Adolescents

Measures Collected Through CAHPS Surveys

  • Health Education and Promotion Composite
  • Shared Decision Making Composite
  • Rating of Overall Mental/Emotional Health

The Medicaid and Medicare versions also include new and updated measures from the same two HEDIS domains:

Effectiveness of Care

  • Asthma Medication Ratio – Medicaid
  • Diabetes Screening for People With Schizophrenia or Bipolar Disorder Who are Using Antipsychotic Medications – Medicaid
  • Diabetes Monitoring for People With Diabetes and Schizophrenia – Medicaid
  • Cardiovascular Monitoring for People With Cardiovascular Disease and Schizophrenia – Medicaid
  • Adherence to Antipsychotic Medications for Individuals With Schizophrenia – Medicaid
  • Use of High-Risk Medications in the Elderly* – Medicare
  • Human Papillomavirus Vaccine for Female Adolescents** – Medicaid

Measures Collected Through Child CAHPS Surveys

  • Health Education and Promotion Composite
  • Shared Decision Making Composite
  • Rating of Overall Mental/Emotional Health

*This measure was pulled from public reporting in HEDIS 2013 due to significant changes.
**This was a first year measure in HEDIS 2012; however, results were not reported for HEDIS 2013.

Click here to order Quality Compass.

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