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  1. 02.28.2024

    NCQA Responds to Findings of Milbank Memorial Fund 2024 US Primary Care Scorecard

    Primary Care in the US requires continued investments and commitments to quality improvement and provider support.

  2. 02.21.2024

    NCQA Joins New Digital Health Collaborative

    The multi-stakeholder group will work to accelerate adoption of cost-effective, equitable digital health solutions.

  3. 01.18.2024

    NCQA Applauds New Prior Authorization Regulation

    Digitalizing prior authorization is an opportunity to improve both patient and provider experience.

  4. 01.11.2024

    NCQA Expands Leadership Team with Human Resources and Quality Experts

    Tia Butler Joins as Chief People & Diversity Officer and Tricia Elliott as VP of Quality Implementation.

  5. 01.04.2024

    Three New Members Join NCQA Board of Directors

    NCQA welcomes health care leaders Dr. Asaf Bitton of Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Dr. Lynn Todman of Corewell Health and Dr. Thomas Tsang of Valera Health.

  6. 12.07.2023

    Birth Equity Accountability through Measurement (BEAM): Phase 1 Highlights

    This webinar covers new ideas on making, testing and implementing quality measurement strategies that ensure birth equity.

  7. 11.16.2023

    NCQA Launches Virtual Care Accreditation Pilot Program

    18 pioneering organizations to help NCQA create roadmap for high-quality virtual care.

  8. 10.23.2023

    NCQA Wins CMS Office of Minority Health Contract to Advance Health Equity

    NCQA, along with subcontractors RAND and Rainmakers, will help support CMS’s vision for health equity action.

  9. 10.02.2023

    NCQA and American Diabetes Association Release White Paper on Quality Standards and Measures for Diabetes Digital Technologies

    Provides framework for improving quality and equity of digital technology-enabled care models

Media Information and Contacts

NCQA can suggest experts from the topics below. E-Mail us to request a media interview, or contact Andy Reynolds, Assistant Vice President for External Relations, at 202-955-3518.

Expertise include, but are not limited to, the following healthcare topics:

  • Measurement and Quality Improvement
  • Patient-Centered Medical Home
  • How To Find a Health Plan?
  • How To Find a Provider?
  • America's Annual Health Care Quality Check Up
  • Accountable Care Organizations
  • Getting Efficient, High Quality Care