Digital Quality Summit 2021
Presented Virtually, July 13-15, 2021
The videos below represent the “greatest hits”, the highest-rated presentations across three days of more than 40 plenary presentations and track session discussions.
July 13
The Urgency of Now
Peggy O’Kane, President, NCQA
The API Economy is Run on Collaboration
Charles Jaffe, MD, PhD, CEO, HL7© International
Peggy O’Kane, President, NCQA
Michael Barr, MD, MBA, MACP, Executive Vice President, Quality Measurement & Research Group, NCQA
Opening Plenary: How VHA Uses Health IT to Achieve High Reliability and Improve Quality of Care
Gerard Cox, MD, MHA, Assistant Undersecretary for Health, Office of Quality & Patient Safety, Veterans Health Administration, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Michael Barr, MD, MBA, MACP, Executive Vice President, Quality Measurement & Research Group, NCQA
Social and Structural Determinants of Health: Impact on Digital Healthcare Equity & Quality
Carol Macumber, MS, PMP, FAMIA, Executive Vice President, Clinical Architecture
Julia Adler-Milstein, PhD, Professor of Medicine, Director of the Center for Clinical Informatics & Improvement Research, University of California, San Francisco
Chris Grasso, MPH, Associate Vice President for Informatics & Data Services, Fenway Community Health
Vanessa Guzman, MS, ME, CEO, SmartRise Health
July 14
Dissecting Algorithmic Bias
Ziad Obermeyer, MD, Blue Cross of California Distinguished Associate Professor of Health Policy and Management, University of California at Berkeley
Rachel Harrington, PhD, Research Scientist, NCQA
Federal Roundtable
Floyd Eisenberg, MD (Moderator), Board Member, HL7© International
Steve Posnack, MS, MHS, Deputy National Coordinator, Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology
Michelle Schreiber, MD, Director, Quality Measurement & Value Based Incentives Group (QMVIG), Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Maria Michaels, MBA, PMP, Public Health Advisor, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
Edwin Lomotan, MD, Chief of Clinical Informatics, Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality
Connected Health and Actionable Data
DJ Wilson, CEO, The State of Reform
Kevin Pereau, Founder & CEO, Transcendit Health
July 15
Applied Clinical Informatics in the COVID Era: Health IT Innovations in the COVID Era
Viet Nguyen, MD, Founder, Stratametrics LLC
Charles Jaffe, MD, PhD, CEO, HL7© International
Christopher Longhurst, MD, MS, FACMI, Chief Information Officer, Associate Chief Medical Officer, Clinical Professor of Pediatrics & Biomedical Informatics, University of California San Diego Health
Mobile Credentials for Admission to Public Places and Travel Authorization
Brian Behlendorf, Executive Director of Hyperledger, The Linux Foundation
Brian Anderson, MD, Chief Digital Health Physician & Co-Principal Investigator, mCODE Standard Health Record, MITRE
Dakota Gruener, Executive Director, ID2020
Mary Beth Kurilo, Senior Director of Health Informatics, American Immunization Registry Association
Nathan Bunker, Senior Technical Project Manager, American Immunization Registry Association
Kristina Crane, Chief Strategy Officer, STC Health
Wrap Up Panel: Where Are We in Our Progress towards Bridging the Digital Quality Chasm and What’s Next?
Rebecca Jacobson, MD, MS, FACMI, President, Astrata, Inc.
Viet Nguyen, MD, Founder, Stratametrics LLC
Floyd Eisenberg, MD, MPH, iParsimony, LLC
Keith Campbell, MD, PhD, Director of Informatics Architecture, U.S. Veterans Health Administration
Julia Skapik, MD, MPH, FAMIA, Medical Director, NACHC
Top-Rated Track Sessions
Patient-Centered Measures and Care Coordination
Carol Macumber, MS, PMP, FAMIA (Moderator), Executive Vice President, Professional Services, Clinical Architecture
Julia Skapik, MD, MPH, FAMIA, Medical Director, NACHC
Rebecca Etz, PhD, Professor of Family Medicine & Population Health, Virginia Commentary University
Jenna Norton, PhD, MPH, Program Director, NIDDK, NIH
Introduction to the Learning Health System (LHS) and Digital Quality Measure Knowledge Objects (dQM-KOs)
Maria Michaels, MBA, PMP, Public Health Advisor, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
Ben Hamlin, Senior Research Informaticist, NCQA
Where Do We Go from Here and How Do We Get to the Promised Land? (multiple sessions)
Floyd Eisenberg, MD, MPH, iParsimony, LLC (Moderator)
Andrew Williams, PhD, Co-Director, Informatics Core, Tufts CTSI; Faculty, Tufts SoM, Center for Quantitative Methods & Data Science
Daniela Meeker, Associate Professor of Population and Public Health Sciences, Director of Clinical Research Informatics, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California
High Reliability Organization (HRO) Journey/Process from Other High-Risk Industries: Lessons Learned and Pitfalls
Viet Nguyen, MD, Founder, Stratametrics LLC (Moderator)
Stephen Powell, Doctor of Health Administration, Synensys, LLC
Mark Ediger, MD, MPH, Deloitte, LLP
Keith Campbell, MD, PhD, Director of Informatics Architecture, U.S. Veterans Health Administration
Michael Myint, Chief Population Health Officer, University of Washington Medicine
Highly Reliable Data Governance (multiple sessions)
Keith Campbell, MD, PhD, Director of Informatics Architecture, U.S. Veterans Health Administration
Anna Taylor, MSc, CIPCT, Director of Operations, Multicare Health System
Viet Nguyen, MD, Founder, Stratametrics LLC
Rebecca Jacobson, MD, MS, FACMI, President, Astrata, Inc.
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