
Digital Quality Summit: Be Part of the Solution

October 30, 2017 · Amy Maciejowski

It has long been agreed that measurement is burdensome—but that’s not to say it’s futile. Quality measurement encourages and facilitates high-value care. It helps practices and health plans improve and deliver the care people deserve.

Information technology is part of quality measurement. Unfortunately, although most health IT systems that record, aggregate and analyze health data work well individually, they don’t often work well together. But what better way to get health IT systems to speak the same language than for us to work together?

We’re ready to get to the essence of how to make technology systems work well together, and that’s why Health Level Seven International (HL7) and NCQA are partnering to host the Digital Quality Summit.

Who Will Be There?

The Digital Quality Summit invites some of the best and brightest in health care and technology to gather in pursuit of eliminating measurement burdens and bridging the digital gap.

What Will We Do?

The Digital Quality Summit isn’t a conference packed with static presentations. It’s really a meeting of the minds: organized, interactive work sessions, networking with peers and hands-on demonstrations.

Each team at the summit will work with specific quality measures to find and demonstrate solutions to data challenges, using Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) and Clinical Quality Language. FHIR standards will play a major role in breaking down barriers to interoperability. Clinical Quality Language will harmonize standards between electronic clinical quality measures and clinical decision support.

Summit participants will:

  1. Understand how information technology can be used to increase the efficiency of quality reporting and reduce the burden of data collection.
  2. Join in demonstrations of digital measurement solutions designed to advance interoperability, facilitate communication and improve quality.

Are You Interested?

If so, we hope to see you there! The Digital Quality Summit will take place November 1–2, at the Omni Shoreham Hotel, in Washington, DC. Online registration is closed, but you can register onsite and still attend! Registration for HL7 members is $195, for non-members, registration is $245.

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