
Better Coverage. Better Health.

April 8, 2016 · NCQA Communications

Better Coverage. Better Health. We couldn’t say it better ourselves. That’s the theme for this year’s Association of 98BD8DE1-1BA9-430E-8F6B-1C35908449C7Health Care Journalists Conference, (AHCJ) where NCQA is here, rocking to you from Cleveland.

Here, in conference rooms named for music legends from the Supremes to the Rolling Stones, about 600 health care journalists from around the country are hearing from experts on health issues such as the Flint water crisis and new payment models under MACRA.

What are Reporters Talking About?

AHCJ panelThe conversation in the David Bowie room included public health officials from Cleveland, St. Louis and Detroit who spoke about the social crises they face (protests, shootings, crumbling infrastructure) and how all of it impacts public health.

More basic health care issues rose to the surface in the Fleetwood Mac room where Los Angeles Times reporter Noam Levey expertly moderated the discussion about drug prices, out-of-pocket costs and comparing health plans.

Speaking of which, NCQA will release our 2016 health plan ratings in September…stay tuned!

The AHCJ Host is…

IMG_1585The Global Center for Health Innovation is hosting this year’s conference.  One cool display is a new CPR Training Kiosk.  Plans are to install this hands-on demonstration in airports across the nation.

The conference brings together journalists and groups like NCQA, which serve as important resources for reporters.

Dan Diamond of Politico Pulse reported this week health care is on pace to become the nation’s biggest industry in three years. That means there’s a lot of health care news to cover, now and into the future. Of course, NCQA is here as a source for much of that information, which we admit, is also a good excuse for making the trip to the home of Rock and Roll here in Cleveland.

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