
Core Quality Measures Collaborative: A Coalition for Better Care

December 4, 2018 · NCQA Communications

We see yet another move closer to a more value-based health care system that is aligned around a core set of measures—measures that can be influenced by providers and are meaningful to patients. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) have partnered with the National Quality Forum (NQF) to form the Core Quality Measures Collaborative (CQMC).


The CQMC is a coalition of health care leaders, including NCQA, CMS, health insurance providers, primary care/specialty societies, and consumer/employer groups.  Members work together to identify core measure sets— specific groups of high value, evidence-based, and patient-focused measures for consistent use across a broad set of programs. Through promotion of the core measure sets, the CQMC aims to promote quality measure alignment across public and private payers, reduce provider measure reporting burden, offer consumers actionable information about provider performance, and improve care quality and health outcomes.

Synergy for Simplicity

“I’m so glad we can contribute to the work of the CQMC! The goal of simplifying measurement and reducing burden on clinicians is vital to improving health care quality,” said Dr. Mary Barton, NCQA Vice President and our representative for the collaborative.


Mary Barton, VP of Performance Measurement and CMQC Representative

The collaborative’s objective is to improve existing measure sets and to create additional sets when it makes sense. It aims to improve measure set implementation across care settings by addressing potential barriers or burdens.

“We believe this is the beginning of a new era in patient care and empowerment, and we celebrate the advancement of alignment to promote more actionable and useful quality information.” said Kate Goodrich, Director of the Center for Clinical Standards and Quality and CMS Chief Medical Officer.

For more information, please visit the CQMC website. You may also request more information or submit your questions at

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