
NCQA Education Earns Accreditors’ Nod

July 26, 2022 · Matt Brock

Wow!  We have yet another NCQA accomplishment to tell you about, It’s one that illustrates our own commitment to standards and accountability as means for improvement even when we are the scrutinized organization.

The Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Accreditation Program (ANCC) recently reviewed NCQA’s application for Reaccreditation for its continuing education program.

And we are thrilled to inform you that NCQA’s Joint Accreditation has been granted for 4 years through July 2026.

NCQA’s Education Opportunities

NCQA’s education activities primarily cover NCQA’s standards and guidelines for Accreditation, Certification and Recognition programs, as well as its performance measures. Additionally, the program invites thought leaders and quality accelerators from across the health care sector to share best practices for improving quality in numerous forums and formats. They include live webinars, online presentations like the Quality Innovation Series and in-person conferences like our brand new Health Innovation Summit. NCQA developed its education program for health plans, managed behavioral health care organizations, credentials verification organizations, provider organizations, disease management organizations, practicing clinicians, primary care practices, specialty care practices, and most recently, specialty pharmacy organizations.

The Performance Numbers

From 2016–2021, NCQA offered 346 courses to its students. More than 80% of each year’s education activities award CME, CPE and nursing education contact hours. Even more, in the last two years, our education team won a total of nine grants to develop and implement CME programs on, among other topics,  adult vaccination, alcohol use disorder, COPD, obesity and multiple sclerosis heart failure.

There are so many education programs to choose from. Check them out to find the opportunity that fits your needs and goals.

In the meantime, we’ll just say “Congrats” and express our gratitude for the NCQA Education team.  We know you are a pivotal part of the NCQA machine focused on better health care, better choices and better health.

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