Heads Up: HEDIS® Public Comment Opens Next Week

February 9, 2023 · Andy Reynolds

Public comment is your annual opportunity to weigh in on the relevance, scientific soundness and feasibility of new and revised measures for HEDIS. Your feedback helps us determine changes to our programs and processes.

This year’s HEDIS public comment is open Monday, February 13–Monday, March 13.

We Want Your Feedback

We’re seeking advice on:

  • Revisions to diabetes measures.
  • Expansion of race and ethnicity stratifications in select HEDIS measures.
  • Advancing gender-inclusion measurement in two HEDIS measures.
  • Retirement of several measures.

Why Should You Comment?

We base HEDIS measures on published clinical guidelines and scientific evidence. When guidelines change or new evidence is available, we review our quality measures to decide if we need if we need to change them. We convenes multi-stakeholder advisory panels—including independent scientists, clinicians, health plans, purchasers, government and consumer groups—to ensure measures meet and balance high standards of relevance, scientific soundness and feasibility.

Public review and comment is an important part of making and maintaining HEDIS measures. We review all comments we receive and present results to advisory panels and to the NCQA Committee on Performance Measurement for deliberation.

Your Next Step

This year’s public comment will go live at Monday, February 13, 9:00 AM ET.

We’ll post the link and more details here, so check back.

To hear NCQA leaders discuss HEDIS public comment, attend our Tuesday, February 28 Future of HEDIS webinar.


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