
ICYMI: A Quality Talks Recap

May 25, 2020 · Matt Brock

In case you missed it… It wasn’t the gathering in Washington we all love, but by all accounts, it was a huge success–compelling speakers, timely topics and a new, Covid-19 triggered online format. More than 1,300 live streamers attended Quality Talks online.  Our speakers recorded their Talks at home and appeared live for the online question and answer hubs.  Quality Talks was broadcast live from 12 locations across the country…  and it delivered the promise of informative, inspiring discussions of the pandemic and more.

If you missed it. You missed a lot.

But no worries. We clipped down the entire program into bite-sized videos to view during y0ur lunch or perhaps while escaping from the “school” in your family room. This year, there is even more to choose from. We’ve posted all the Q & A sessions in addition to the Talks.

Watch them. Share them.  It will be worth the time for you, your friends and colleagues.

Find, Engage, Transform: Serving the Sickest of the Sick

Alan Cohn | CEO, AbsoluteCARE Medical Center & Pharmacy

What’s in a name? For Alan Cohn, his company’s name is its goal. It aims to provide fully comprehensive, patient-centered primary care for every patient at its five health centers in Philadelphia, Baltimore and Atlanta.

Hope and Hard Truths about Tearing Down Inequities

Joia Adele Crear-Perry, MD, FACOG | Founder & President,
National Birth Equity Collaborative

Black mamas matter. Joia Crear-Perry, MD, repeats that wherever she can, whenever she can, to whoever will listen. She especially presses policymakers with her prescription for improving maternal health. (Hint: It includes quality measurement.) “Ultimately, what Black women in the U.S. need is accountability,” she says. “We need to know that our lives are valued.”

Stories, Science, Scale: Turning Insight and Empathy into Better Care

Shreya Kangovi, MD, MSHP | Founding Executive Director,
Penn Center for Community Health Workers

The great divide: There’s often one between high-quality health care and at-risk communities. Dr. Shreya Kangovi knows just how to close that gap, and she knows who might be right for the job. One of your neighbors, perhaps.

Impatient Patients: The How and Why of #WeAreNotWaiting

Dana Lewis | Creator, Do-It-Yourself Pancreas System

“The diabetes disruptor”—that’s a pretty good description for Dana Lewis. As a person with diabetes, Dana had a glucose monitor to gauge her blood sugar and another gadget to administer insulin. Both required her time and attention. At best, this could be inconvenient, but for Lewis, it was unbearable.

Population Health “BC and AC”: Before COVID & After COVID

David Nash, MD, MBA | Founding Dean Emeritus & Dr. Raymond C. and Doris N. Grandon Professor of Health Policy, Jefferson College of Population Health

If you asked Dr. Vivian S. Lee, a radiologist by trade, how to transform the US health care system, she’d say: with data, data transparency and patient/doctor engagement. In fact, Dr. Lee led the University of Utah Health Care’s hospital to top performance in patient satisfaction, quality, cost reduction, and physician engagement. Now at Verily, she is exploring new sensors, data analytics and machine learning to engage patients in the co-production of their health.

Physician Burnout Has Surprising Roots, Risks and Remedies

Robert Pearl, MD | Forbes Contributor & Former CEO,
The Permanente Medical Group

“The biggest problem in American health care is us.” That’s how Dr. Robert Pearl, the longtime head of Kaiser Permanente, sums it up. “As patients, we wrongly assume the best care is dependent mainly on the newest medications, the most complex treatments, and the smartest doctors.” But why not build a better system, instead? And why not build it around the concept of prevention?

New Ways to Grow High-Value Care

Rita Redberg, MD, MS | Professor of Medicine,
University of California, San Francisco

Yes, less can be more. You might say that’s the professional motto for Dr. Rita Redberg, a cardiologist at the University of California-San Francisco (UCSF). Her substantial research focuses on appropriate care—the right care, in the right place and at the right time.

My Opioid Odyssey: Who Knows How to Deprescribe?

Travis N. Rieder, PhD | Bioethicist & Author of In Pain

The motorcycle accident was serious. Dr. Travis Rieder needed six surgeries to recover from it. But it was the opioids, prescribed for pain, that threatened his life and livelihood. The Johns Hopkins bioethics professor became dependent.


AI, Protecting Privacy and Proving Digital Health’s Value

Jennifer Schneider, MD, MS | President, Livongo Health

What makes a magic moment? Jennifer Schneider, MD, MS, says it’s when an app analyzes your calendar, your location, the time and place of your next meeting and the traffic in between. And then it automatically warns you—sends you an alert—it’s time to leave if you want to arrive on time. Magic.

How Telemedicine Improves Health for Patients and Providers

Peter Yellowlees, MD | Chief Wellness Officer, UC Davis Health

Peter Yellowlees MBBS, MD, is a psychiatrist and telemedicine leader animated by many interests. His focus these days: the alarming and underreported news about a mental health crisis among physicians. This British- and Australian-trained doctor knows new technologies can improve access to mental health care for people who need it. He has done it himself, caring for Native American populations hundreds of miles from his Sacramento clinic. He is also an innovator in asynchronous telepsychiatry, a new technique that uses videotaped interviews and responses rather than rely on real-time dialogue.

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