
Inside Health Care #44: NCQA’s Wendy Talbot on the HEDIS® Compliance Audit™ process and the Data Aggregator Validation pilot program

August 11, 2020 · Lawrence Green

In this episode of Inside Health Care, Wendy Talbot, Assistant Vice President, Measure Collection & Audit and Lawrence Green, Communications Specialist, discuss the NCQA HEDIS Compliance Audit™ process and NCQA’s Data Aggregator Validation (DAV) pilot program.

The Compliance Audit helps ensure accurate, reliable data can be used by employers, consumers and government to compare health plans.. The DAVpilot program seeks to validate data aggregators that collect electronic clinical data from multiple sources to share with healthcare organizations as validated standard supplemental data for use in HEDIS and other quality measure reporting.

In this episode, Wendy discusses the Compliance Audit’s importance and challenges, and describes the DAV pilot program’s main goals, development process, target organizations and future plans.

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