
Inside Health Care #74: Digital Diabetes’ Buster Sami Inkinen

March 2, 2022 · David J. Smolar

In this episode of Inside Health Care, we give you the inside scoop on Quality Talks, coming on April 21, 2022.

But before that, we feature an exclusive interview with one of this year’s speakers: Sami Inkinen.

Sami InkinenInkinen is CEO and Co-Founder of Virta Health, which provides treatment to sustainably reverse type 2 diabetes without medications or surgery.

But get this: Inkinen is not a clinician. He’s a technology and data pioneer, a venture capitalist entrepreneur and a physicist. After stints in a nuclear power plant followed by a few years at Microsoft, he co-founded real estate tech company Trulia. And after a multi-billion dollar buyout from an even bigger real estate juggernaut, Zillow, Sami found himself at a crossroads, both professionally and personally.

So, what in the world is he doing starting a new company in health care? You’ll have to hear his explanation…and join us for Quality Talks 2022 on April 21.

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