
A Shout Out to Health Plans During Kidney Awareness Month

March 20, 2018 · NCQA Communications

No matter how much information is out there about disease prevention – diet, exercise and smoking –  more people die from preventable chronic disease.  We’re talking about the biggies – stroke, cancer, type 2 diabetes, heart and kidney disease.

Kidney Awareness Month

Kidney Awareness Month

With March designated as National Kidney Awareness Month, we wanted to take stock and recognize the health plans that are excelling in the measures related to kidney disease; diabetes and high blood pressure – the major risk factors of kidney disease.

First, Some Things to Know During Kidney Awareness Month:

  1. Kidney disease is the 9th leading cause of death in the country.
  2. More than 30 million Americans have kidney disease, and most don’t know it.
  3. There are over 95,000 people waiting for kidney transplants.
  4. More than 590,000 people have kidney failure in the US today.

We know measuring health care leads to improvement…and that saves lives and reduces cost.  Using our measures, we create our health plan ratings so everyone can see how health plans are doing in the key areas of health care.

Of the more than 1,000 health plans rated in 2017, the commercial health plans below scored a 5 (the highest possible) in measures related to kidney disease and had an overall health plan ratings score of 5.

Controlling High Blood Pressure:

Eye Exams

Blood Pressure Control

Glucose Control

NCQA’s Health Insurance Plan Ratings tells us how well health plans are doing in key areas of health care. That’s important information for people who want to see how their health plan stacks up. Check out the complete 2017-2018 health plan ratings and see how your plan is doing.

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