
Looking to the Future: Digital Health Care Quality

June 30, 2022 · Olivia Umoren

Moving the needle forward again on digital quality, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has released a revised national quality strategy that furthers its embrace of the digital age. NCQA’s products and programs are ready to support CMS’s prioritization of digital quality measurement and the industry’s move to the future.  

NCQA’s ongoing deployment of digital quality measures will facilitate seamless coordination among users, allow interoperable data exchange and reduce clinician burden. Digital quality measures are easier to deploy than traditional measures and give clinicians faster access to data for improved decision making and more equitable care and outcomes. 

NCQA recently launched its Digital Solutions Pilot, with six health care organizations testing and helping to refine a suite of capabilities aimed at expanding how digital data can enable higher quality and better outcomes. Challenges like audit burden, time spent sifting through large data sets and lack of actionable, member-level data will also be addressed. Pilot participant feedback will be crucial to the product’s next iteration.   

Want to stay in the know about digital quality? 

NCQA and HL7 are co-hosting a virtual Digital Quality Summit in July, focused on innovative solutions to quality measurement challenges. We are convening industry experts and federal leaders to share effective strategies for building a digital quality ecosystem. You can register here. We hope to see you! 

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