New Voices, New Insight: PSAC Welcomes Three New Members

March 4, 2016 · Amy Maciejowski

Dr. Richard Sun, CalPERS

Dr. Richard Sun, CalPERS

NCQA would like to welcome three new members to the Public Sector Advisory Council (PSAC) table: Dr. Richard Sun of CalPERS , Sarah Nguyen of the Rhode Island Office of the Insurance Commissioner and Cheryl J. Roberts of the Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services.

CalPERS is the California Public Employees’ Retirement System. It is one of the nation’s largest public pension funds, providing health benefits to more than 1.3 million people. CalPERS has built retirement and health security for state, school and public agency members who invest their lifework in public service.

The Rhode Island Office of the Insurance Commissioner has stewarded countless primary care practice transformations throughout Rhode Island, including the Care Transformation Collaborative, an all-payer program that promotes care for patients through the patient-centered medical home model.

Sarah Nguyen, Rhode Island Office of the Insurance Commissioner

Sarah Nguyen, Rhode Island Office of the Insurance Commissioner

The Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services is the agency that administers Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) throughout the Commonwealth. The Department contracts with more than 50,000 health care providers across Virginia.

Current PSAC Members
Virginia, Rhode Island and CalPERS’ expertise will be valuable to PSAC, and to NCQA. PSAC members include representatives from the following organizations:

  • California Department of Health Care Services
  • CalPERS
  • Maine Bureau of Insurance
  • Maryland Health Care Commission
  • Michigan Department of Community Health
  • Cheryl Roberts, Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services

    Cheryl Roberts, Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services

  • Minnesota Department of Human Services
  • Rhode Island Office of the Health Insurance Commissioner
  • Tennessee Health Care Finance and Administration
  • Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Service
  • National Association of Insurance Commissioners
  • National Conference of State Legislators
  • National Governors Association
  • Center for Medicaid & CHIP Services, CMS
  • Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MEDPAC)
  • U.S. Office of Personnel Management

As a leading driver for health care quality improvement, NCQA depends on a variety of stakeholders to provide professional insight on how to best impact the quality of care for Americans. It makes sense then to consult policy leaders charged with purchasing health insurance for governments and government organizations. That’s where PSAC comes in. The council is comprised of key state and federal policymakers. They advise NCQA on critical issues and priorities related to the health care organizations and providers they contract with and oversee.

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