New York State PCMH: Start the New Year Off Right!

January 23, 2020 · Jazmyne Carter

The New York State Patient-Centered Medical Home (NYS PCMH) Recognition Program is going strong in its third year and Recognized practices are providing patients with a high-functioning, effectively operating medical home.

Since the program’s inception in April 2018, nearly 2,000 practices have earned NYS PCMH Recognition. Within the medical home, the primary care team and the patient manage the full spectrum of the patient’s health care needs. Coordinating with clinicians in other settings when care cannot be provided in the primary care setting is a key aspect of the program.

The NYS PCMH Recognition Program focuses on care coordination, population health, evidence-based guidelines and effective use of health IT to meet patients’ needs. NYS PCMH Recognition helps practices put the structure, systems and processes in place to be effective medical homes and achieve the Triple Aim: better health, lower costs and better patient experience.

NYS PCMH financial support ends January 31, 2020. Take advantage of this last opportunity to have your initial application fee or first Annual Reporting renewal fee covered by the New York State Department of Health (NYS DOH)!

NYS PCMH Program Benefits

The NYS PCMH model helps practices:

  • Improve patient-centered access and patient experience.
  • Perform comprehensive health assessments to identify patient needs.
  • Deliver better preventive care such as immunizations and cancer screenings.
  • Prioritize comprehensive care management to keep chronic conditions under control.
  • Coordinate with other clinicians involved in patient care and close referral loops to improve continuity and avoid gaps.
  • Identify patients who require recommended interventions and patients who need medication monitoring.

Getting Started: What You Need to Know

To earn NYS PCMH Recognition, a practice must meet all 40 core criteria,  12 NYS-required criteria, and 25 credits in elective criteria across 5 of 6 concepts (16–19 credits are earned by meeting required NYS criteria, which cross all 6 concepts; practices decide which of the remaining 6–9 credits to complete).

Download the NYS PCMH Standards and Guidelines for program details and requirements. To learn more about this program, you can also speak to an NCQA representative by filling out and submitting this form.


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