
Peggy O’Kane – “A Woman in Business” in Huffington Post

September 20, 2016 · NCQA Communications

Peggy O'Kane - A Woman in Business

Peggy O’Kane – A Woman in Business

NCQAers are so proud of our president, Peggy O’Kane, a true “woman in business.” Friend and mentor to many of us, she has a genuine interest in the people who work here. And she is equally committed to her work. As many of you know, Peggy’s passion—and her life’s mission—is ensuring and improving quality and equity in health care. This dedication sprang from personal experience. Early in her career as a respiratory therapist, she was inspired to do something about the inconsistencies she saw in health care. Nearly 30 years later, Peggy says, “ I learned that persistence is a virtue. Refusing to get discouraged has been essential, as well.”

Peggy O’Kane – A Woman in Business

I encourage you to read this “Women in Business” Q&A with Peggy in The Huffington Post. It gives insight into the woman who brought NCQA to where it is today, and into what keeps her going—and fighting for all of us—every day.

Way to go Peggy!

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