
Person-Centered Outcome Goals: New Resources

April 1, 2021 · Matt Brock

We wanted to share some great work and resources produced and led by our friends at Patient Priorities Care (PPC).

NCQA works with the PPC Team on our person-centered outcomes measures. The measures anchor a person-centered approach to care delivery, particularly for people with complex health needs. It’s all organized around those person-centered outcomes—personal, sometimes non-clinical goals—set and pursued by the person seeking care. For instance, a grandmother recovering from a fall may pursue walking with her grandchildren twice a week.

Person-Centered Work: Our Roles

Patient Priorities Care trains people to identify care that matters to them, that is, their health outcome goals and what they are willing and able to do to reach these

person-centered: elderly patient assisted by nurse

goals.  They also train clinicians interested in adopting the person-centered approach. Our measures provide a standardized way to assess and document person-centered outcomes and to measure whether people progress towards or achieve their goals. They aim to inform best-practices and quality improvement for this approach to care.

Pursuing what matters. That’s everyone’s goal.

Now, PPC has rolled out its resources for this approach to care for, well, everyone. It’s on the new PPC Self-Directed Website: It walks patients (and/or a caregiver) through PPC’s health priorities identification process. The PPC Team promises it will give visitors a clearer idea of what matters most to them about their health and health care. They will also have a summary to share with their own care team.

Person-Centered Allies: Stay Up to Date

We recommend you give it a try. We also recommend you share this resource with a friend. And check out #KnowWhatMattersDoWhatMatters in social media and use it to share this resource with your friends and colleagues.

By the way, one more kindred connection to tell you about—a shared benefactor. The John A. Hartford Foundation supports both organizations’ research in this area.

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