Q-Pass 2.0: New, Improved and Available Now
October 2, 2019 · NCQA
Q-PASS is new and improved!

Q-PASS: New, improved, easier to use.
NCQA deployed Q-PASS V2.0 on Saturday, October 19. Version 2.0 includes updates and notable enhancements to existing features. It’s all intended to improve the customer experience in four primary ways: reduced time investment, increased workflow efficiency, enhanced infrastructure and a simplified, easier to use, interface.
Better. Easier to Use.
For the upgrade, we:
- Eliminated the Program Dashboard; moved numerous functions to the Organization Dashboard.
- Improved home screen that no longer includes the My Evaluations tab.
- Updated and reorganized Organization Dashboard tiles.
- Updated the Preliminary Results tile functionality to display evaluator comments (if any) made during check-in. Users can view this information by clicking the Show Comments button while the results view is expanded.
- Enhanced the Enrollment Wizard to let customers enroll sites in more than one program at a time.
- Revised the process for how sites share evidence. NCQA suggests that organizations work on this part of the process first (if applicable) before adding site-specific evidence.
Q-PASS Resources
Watch our educational videos on navigating QPASS V2.0 in the NCQA Video Library
And register for the free webinar, “What’s New With the Q?”.
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