
Q-PASS Passes the Test

May 23, 2017 · Amy Maciejowski

As you know, the recognition redesign was a complete reset of NCQA’s PCMH Recognition program. We changed how practices earn recognition, and how long recognition lasts. The redesign introduced new measures, new structures, new processes and new features—for example, Q-PASS (Quality Performance Assessment Support System; learn about it here).

Q-PASS allows management of multiple organizations, practices, clinicians and recognitions through a single portal. Practices can gather evidence, prepare documentation and track progress toward recognition.

The Q-PASS system was designed with practices in mind.

Because all practices will use this web-based platform to submit information to NCQA, before we launched the redesigned program, we let some try it out. The feedback was positive:

  • Q-PASS has “a better interface, and different tasks (such as the application and survey) were linked.”
  • “The flow is good.”
  • “I like the way documents are attached and accessible.”
  • “It was great to be able to upload multiple clinicians at once [instead of] having to go into a separate tool for each site.

Q-PASS replaces the current online application and the ISS survey tool. Many pilot practices agree: Q-PASS is “much better” than having two separate tools.

We plan to gather more feedback as more practices experience Q-PASS—this will help us continually improve and enhance its capabilities. What about you? Do you see the potential for improvements to the tool? Comment below!



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