
Quality Improvement (QI) Education Series for Medical Practices

August 12, 2016 · Mina Harkins

Why Quality Improvement?

More and more, the health care system demands performance data. Practices must review their care delivery system’s strengths on a range of measures, prioritize opportunities for improvement, analyze potential barriers to meeting improvement goals and plan how to address them. Quality improvement is a continual process that must be built into daily operations—it requires continual assessing, improving and, medical education, health care, people and medicine co

Does your practice want to start new QI projects or boost existing projects? NCQA wants to help! Our new training program—QI Series for Medical Practices—focuses on planning successful QI projects and contains valuable exercises and project templates. The program is based on successes and pitfalls experienced by medical practices nationwide, and is designed to inspire a culture of QI. Designed for both clinical and non-clinical team members, it can help practices new to QI projects and those seeking new QI techniques.

Practices and team members will learn the following skills—and more—from the program’s two courses.

  1. Introduction to QI for Medical Practices

  • Identify fundamental principles of measurement and QI.
  • Understand data collection methods and the sequence of QI activities.
  • Identify analysis and assessment techniques.
  • Identify team member roles in QI activities.
  • Understand principles of patient population management and vulnerability assessment.
  • Develop goal-oriented action plans for improved outcomes.
  1. QI Workshop for Medical Practices

  • Measure practice performance data to identify practice needs and establish QI goals.
  • Develop interventions to achieve QI and identify common pitfalls.
  • Manage documentation and reporting activities.
  • Implement and sustain continuous QI.

To register and for more information about this invaluable QI training program, visit

In support of improving patient care, NCQA is accredited by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) and the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing education for health care teams.

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