
Some Recognition for NCQA

August 24, 2017 · NCQA Communications

Recognition for NCQA

Recognition for NCQA

It’s an honor and a compliment when we get an unsolicited shout-out and recognition for NCQA’s great work. This week NPR’s, ClearPath – Your Roadmap to Health and Wellness featured NCQA and highlighted some of our key programs. We think host Greg Tucker did an outstanding job interviewing Hector De La Torre of the Transamerica Center for Health Studies about why NCQA is the go-to place for consumers to make informed choices for their health care.

Recognition for NCQA

Hector pointed to NCQA’s annual report cards. We’re proud of this work – a free online tool that helps people choose a health plan or physician that provides high-quality care. This is important information for people who are looking for health plans, doctors and practices that are providing the most effective treatment, appropriate preventive care and timely access to care.

Recognition for LTSS

Greg and Hector also pointed to our work in the area of Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) highlighting our new Roadmap to Success. This is a resource guide to help organizations deliver more efficient person-centered care. The goal is for community-based organizations, health plans, case management and managed behavioral healthcare organizations to demonstrate their ability to deliver LTSS and coordinate with other health care and service providers. This ensures organizations’ work meet people’s needs and aligns with state and managed care organization requirements.

So thank you Greg and Hector sharing the great work of NCQA with your audience. Everything that we do points to our north star; improving health care quality for all. We appreciate you letting others know about that too!

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