
Recognize Your Work on National Healthcare Quality Week

October 13, 2016 · Amy Maciejowski

October 16-22 marks an important week for the health care industry: National Healthcare Quality Week. Presented by the National Association for Healthcare Quality, the week celebrates professionals in the field and their impact on health care. As you are surfing your social media networks- why not take part in this event?healthcarequalityweek_logo

It’s important to recognize that your job is important in the grand scheme of things. It’s a time to celebrate you, and the people you work for: patients.

This is the most appropriate week to share the good news. To share how quality improvement enhances the patient experience. To remind other health care quality professionals why it is they do the work they do. Why they dedicate their lives to help improve the health care for all.

NCQA Will Celebrate Quality

NCQA will participate on social media by using #HQW2016. Not only will we share our stories, but we want to share yours. After all, each and every one of you have stories that impacts our work. Share your stories with us- and we will share them with the rest of the world.

Either comment below or send your stories to We want to hear how quality improvement has improved the patient experience. We will either post your anecdotes on NCQA’s social media channels, or contact you for further information.

If you don’t have any stories to share, you can still participate. The National Association for Healthcare Quality has shared some ideas to post:

  • I’m proud to be a healthcare quality professional! #HQW2016 (Post a photo of you or your team in the workplace or that shows you on the job.)
  • I’m a healthcare quality professional because… #HQW2016
  • Being a healthcare quality professional means… #HQW2016
  • Healthcare quality means… #HQW2016

Don’t forget to tag us in your post on Twitter @NCQA. You can also include us on LinkedIn and Facebook. 

Again, we want to share your patient stories, so send us some anecdotes, articles, videos, etc. We will tell the world what it really means to do the work we do. What it really means to have a lasting impact on health care quality. What it really means to impact people.




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