
Caring for the Seriously Ill – An Academy to Share Best Practices

April 18, 2018 · NCQA Communications

Home. It’s where most of us want to be as we age, become seriously ill or have difficulty getting around. Home is where most of us prefer to stay if we need long-term care.

How can you trust in the long-term care you get at home? Organizations that have earned NCQA’s Accreditation for Case Management for Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS) prove they meet quality standards. Our accreditation helps organizations become more efficient, provide person-centered care and support contracting with states and managed care organizations.

LTSS Best Practices Academy

We know coordinating caring for the seriously ill is hard work. Finding ways to improve is what NCQA is all about. So last year we developed the LTSS Best Practices Academy to help health care professionals share strategies for coordinating quality LTSS programs.

Here, organizations gather for online discussions and enriching exchange of information. It’s a win-win. Organizations win from the information sharing and we all win when we see improvements in long-term services and supports.


The academy would not be possible without the support of Preferred Population Health Management (PPHM).  As the exclusive sponsor of the academy, PPHM’s support of the ongoing learning and development associated with improving the coordination of LTSS is critical. Thanks to the generous support of PPHM, many academy participants are participating at a significantly reduced cost.


We sat down with Jim Vandagrifft, President and CEO of PPHM, who describes his passion for helping organizations that care for people in places where they choose to live; in their homes.  PPHM developed tools that provide real time data for organizations to coordinate care and become more productive and responsive to their patients’ needs.

Interested in taking part in the 2019 Academy? Learn more about the program here.

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