
Taskforce on Telehealth Policy: Register Now to See the Report and Recommendations

September 9, 2020 · Matt Brock

Seats are filling fast for the Taskforce on Telehealth policy’s (TTP) announcement of its final report and recommendations next week.

Telehealth Taskforce

Mark your calendar now.


You won’t want to miss this.

The announcement will be made virtually… and you can be among the first to learn the details.

After covid19, providers adapted. The use of telehealth exploded. Millions of patients experienced a new way of accessing care. So, NCQA, The Alliance for Connected Care and the American Telemedicine Association convened leaders from across the health care spectrum to find consensus on where we go from here.

Their work has been impressive, in such a short time. So much so, we thought we’d give you a gauge in the form of a few numbers.


That’s how many stakeholder organizations contributed to this effort to draw a consensus map for the future of telehealth.


That’s how many meetings the taskforce held. Each included robust discussion on past restrictions, the current covid-19 telehealth response, and implications for the future.


That’s how the taskforce framed its work. It divided the discussion into 21 questions across three broad categories – patient safety and program integrity, data flow, care coordination & quality and total cost of care.


More than three hundred other people and groups submitted written comments for the taskforce to consider in their recommendations.


That’s about how many people participated in the on-line townhall the taskforce hosted in August.


That’s how many recommendations the Taskforce will share with the public and the government.

Our final number…


There’s only one way to be among the first to learn the taskforce’s results. – register for the announcement and webinar, September 15 at 2:00 P.M. ET.

Reserve your seat.

They are going fast. And tell a friend or colleague….  Tell them to go to bit.lty/TelehealthReport.

We look forward to seeing you there… and oh, we could fill up.

So, follow the blog for details on overflow arrangements if they become necessary.


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