
Weekly Roundup: Health care news and notes

July 17, 2015 · NCQA

Every Friday NCQA gives a rundown of some of the health care news stories from the past week. Here are some of our picks for this week:

  • Study finds doctors order fewer preventive services for Medicaid patients. [Kaiser Health News]
  • The Institute of Medicine wants a national strategy to standardize and improve cardiac arrest care. [The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering & Medicine]
  • Why patient-centered care matters. [Health Data Management]
  • The Institute of Medicine says same-day appointments should be standard but are not due to failure to use NP & PAs. [The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering & Medicine]
  • How the Affordable Care Act is changing chronic care at hospitals. [Philly]
  • 77% of those with Medicaid or Marketplace say easy to find a new primary care doctor. [The Commonwealth Fund]
  • New Affordable Care Act enrollees in 2015 are healthier and spending less on drugs than 2014 enrollees. [The Hill]
  • 21st Century Cures: What you need to know. [Energy & Commerce Committee]
  • As payers merge, hospitals dream of their own health plans. [Health Leaders Media]
  • With the merging of insurers, questions for patients arise over costs and innovation. [The New York Times]
  • States are limiting patient costs for high-priced drugs. [Kaiser Health News]
  • Childhood disease outbreaks have raised support for vaccines. [CBS News]
  • Americans’ views of health care law have improved. [Gallup]
  • Surveys are included among other tools used for assessing nursing quality. [Health Leaders Media]



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