Your Comments Count on Patient-Centered Connected Care
October 9, 2018 · NCQA Communications
We firmly believe an important part of developing new programs is public review and comment. NCQA reviews all comments received and present results to our advisory groups for deliberation and approval.
Your Comments Count!

Your Comments Count!
NCQA invites you to comment on the updated Patient-Centered Connected CareTM recognition program.
NCQA Patient-Centered Connected Care Recognition was built from the medical home model of care, and identifies how sites delivering infrequent or outpatient treatment—urgent care centers, retail clinics, worksite health clinics and others—communicate and connect with primary care and fit into the medical home “neighborhood.”
NCQA proposes the following updates:
Allow for flexibility and ongoing quality improvement by:
- Modifying the recognition requirements and process to align with other NCQA recognition programs with core and elective criteria.
- Encouraging continuous quality improvement through Annual Reporting.
Add distinctions for specific types of practices: telehealth, onsite/ worksite clinics, urgent care and retail clinics. Distinctions would include criteria that apply to these types of practices only.
How to Comment
Access the proposed updates here. Once you review these proposed updates, you can give feedback on NCQA’s public comment website.
Please submit comments by 11:59 p.m. (ET) Thursday, November 8.
Thank you for participating in public comment and for your commitment to improving health care quality.