We created our Quality Solutions Group (QSG) to respond to a growing demand for tailor-made assistance in today’s value-based environment. We help our clients with:
- Performance measure development and implementation. We can help you develop and adapt measures for diverse settings and data sources, including electronic clinical quality measures and patient-reported outcomes measures. We can also translate data into actionable information such as customized performance reports.
- Benchmarking, comparative analysis and identification of high performers and best practices. We can help you know where you stand, what you are doing right and who your best performers are.
- Innovative approaches for vulnerable populations. This can include those who are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid, those who are impacted by social determinants and those with advanced care needs.
- Patient-centered practice transformation. We can help you work to transform health care delivery to what patients want it to be. Our stewardship of the largest Patient-Centered Medical Home program, the only Patient-Centered Specialty Practice program and other “medical neighborhood” programs gives us a unique insight and ability. We can tailor these innovations to address specific priorities, such as behavioral care.
- Using our proven evaluation methods to help your organization with web-based data submission systems and data management.
- Designing and conducting custom educational programs that earn continuing education credits.
QSG at a Glance
- Develop valid, reliable, feasible quality measures.
- Design and operate performance assessment programs.
- Build systems that reward performance and improvement.
- Organize data collection protocols, systems and tools.
- Analyze large data sets for statistical benchmarking and comparison.
- Operate verification and oversight programs.
- Identify and communicate best practices.
- Develop standards for practice transformation.
- Organize and lead learning collaboratives.
- Conduct and interpret health care research.
- Collect data and display insights.
- Summarize performance in customized, useable ways.
- Train and provide technical assistance.
- Plan and deliver education seminars for CE credits.
- Deliver cost-effective instruction online.
We have over 20 years of experience teaming with other organizations to respond to solicitations. Our background is both as a prime contractor and a subcontractor. Our ability to measure and improve health care can complement your organization’s capabilities.
Our Clients
Federal Agencies
State Agencies
Foundations & Other Private Organizations
Government-wide Contract Vehicle
NCQA is a preapproved federal quality vendor on the General Services Administration (GSA) Multiple Award Schedule (MAS). This allows us to offer competitively priced services to federal, state and local government agencies.
Our contract (GS-10F-0012Y) is for the following services:
SIN 541611: Management and Financial Consulting, Acquisition and Grants Management Support, and Business Program and Project Management Service
Prime Vehicles:
- HRSA Recognition IDIQ
- Patient Centered Medical Home and Patient Centered Specialty Practice
Sub Vehicles:
The NCQA GSA Catalog outlines our work.
To learn more, please contact Alan Hoffman hoffman@ncqa.org or Jen Zutz at zutz@ncqa.org.
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