
FAQ Directory: HEDIS

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1.15.2025 Medication Lists deleted from the Asthma Medication Ration (AMR) measure A new version of the MY 2024 Medication List Directory (MLD) was released on 1/15/2025 with changes to asthma medications. What was the reason for the changes and how does this impact the Asthma Medication Ratio measure specification?

An error was identified in the HEDIS MY 2024 Medication List Directory (released on April 1, 2024). For the Asthma Medication Ratio (AMR) measure, “package size” and “unit” are required to perform calculations. If we cannot find package size and unit for NDC codes, we cannot include the codes in the AMR medication lists. For the MY 2024 Update release of the MLD, an alternative method was used to identify package size and unit so more codes could be included in the medication lists. Because this method resulted in incorrect information, we removed these codes from 11 medication lists.

  • Albuterol Medications
  • Asthma Controller and Reliever Medications
  • Beclomethasone Medications
  • Budesonide Formoterol Medications
  • Budesonide Medications
  • Ciclesonide Medications
  • Fluticasone Medications
  • Fluticasone Salmeterol Medications
  • Formoterol Mometasone Medications
  • Levalbuterol Medications
  • Mometasone Medications

Three medication lists were removed from the AMR measure.

  • Fluticasone Furoate Umeclidinium Vilanterol Medications
  • Salmeterol Medications
  • Tiotropium Medications

Customers who purchased the HEDIS MY 2024 Medication List Directory should re-download the file from the My Downloads section of their My NCQA account. Customers who purchased a product that contains the AMR measure specification should delete the three medication lists, consistent with how changes from the technical update are applied.


1.15.2025 Use of documents produced using the Consolidated Clinical Document Architecture (C-CDA) standard Can documentation produced using the C-CDA standard, such as Continuity of Care Documents (CCD), discharge summaries or progress notes, be used as proof-of-service documentation or medical record review?

No. Documents produced using the C-CDA standard are structured summaries or snapshots of information used to facilitate data exchange. They are not eligible as proof of service for HEDIS MY 2024, and should not be used for medical record review abstraction.  


12.13.2024 Advance Notice of RAND Table Changes for HEDIS MY 2025 How is NCQA changing the release of RAND numbers for HEDIS reporting beginning in MY 2025?

NCQA will remove the RAND table from the Guidelines for Calculations and Sampling with the release of the HEDIS MY 2025 Technical Update on March 31, 2025. Future releases of the HEDIS Volume 2: Technical Specifications for Health Plans publication will not contain a RAND table.

Beginning MY 2025, NCQA will use an alternative timeline and approach to distribute RAND numbers for HEDIS reporting. This information will be released in the NCQA store for purchasers of HEDIS Volume 2 in the November before production of systematic samples for hybrid reporting (e.g., November 2025, for MY 2025).  

Organizations participating in NCQA’s Measure Certification program will receive separate guidance on how NCQA will accommodate this change for certification of systematic sampling logic.


11.15.2024 Inconsistency with Member-Reported Services Requirements What are common themes in data containing member-reported services that suggest noncompliance with HEDIS requirements and should not be used?

Common themes include:

  • Clinical accountability for the information.
    An arrangement may exist where a provider, such as a PharmD, interacts with members to collect information on their last colorectal cancer screening or breast cancer screening. It is unclear if a PharmD has the appropriate clinical training to document the complete context of the service or interpret the information being shared. Nor is it evident that a PharmD would be clinically accountable for that aspect of the member’s care (preventive cancer care).

Another arrangement that may exist includes workflows where providers (e.g., NPs, PAs) contact a plan’s membership annually to assess a member’s medical history, including when they received their last cancer screenings. It is unclear if a singular touchpoint by the NP/PA indicates that the provider has clinical accountability for the member’s care. Organizations are not allowed to call members to collect data.

  • Including and maintaining information in the health record.
    A member’s health record should be accessible to the member and the care team responsible for that aspect of their care. Systems that are internal-facing only to a plan do not represent a source of data that contribute to an individual’s ongoing clinical care. Further, an individual’s health record should be available to them to reference or share with a care team in the future.


11.15.2024 Guidance in Volume 2 for Member-Reported Services What guidance in HEDIS Volume 2 can be referenced to determine if member-reported services data can be used?

HEDIS Volume 2 provides guidance in several places:

  • Member-reported services and biometric values general guideline.
    This general guideline states that member-reported services may be used only if collected by a primary care practitioner or specialist (if the specialist is providing a primary care service related to the condition being assessed, in the course of taking a member’s history), and if the information is included in the member’s health record.
  • Supplemental data general guideline.
    Information on services reported by members often reside in non-standard supplemental sources. The supplemental data general guideline states that there must be evidence of provider accountability for the information documented. The guideline also states that documentation of member-reported services must be complete (e.g., date, place of service, procedure, prescription, test result or finding, practitioner type).
  • Electronic Clinical Data Systems general guidelines.
    Organizations may develop workflows that result in documentation of member-reported services. A common example is documentation in systems identified as case management. The ECDS general guideline states that case management systems are shared, meaning that there is bidirectional access to the data. These data would be accessible to members and to members’ care teams for care coordination and planning.


11.15.2024 Gold-Standard Example for Member-Reported Services What’s a scenario that reflects the intent of NCQA’s requirements for member-reported services?

Example: During a new-patient office visit, the patient reports receiving a colonoscopy in the previous year to their primary care provider. During the discussion, the provider documents the details (when and where the procedure occurred, findings) in the office visit progress notes in the patient’s EHR.

This example represents the intent behind the HEDIS guidelines because:

  • The provider collecting the information has the appropriate clinical experience to interpret what the patient is sharing and assumes clinical accountability for that aspect of the patient’s clinical care.
  • The provider documents the colonoscopy in the patient’s medical record allowing it to be accessible to other care team providers and to the member for clinical decision making.


9.16.2024 New FDA approved blood test for Colorectal Cancer Screening measure (COL-E) Can an FDA approved blood test be used when reporting the COL-E measure?

The Colorectal Cancer Screening (COL-E) measure is based on the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) guidelines for colorectal cancer screening. The guidelines do not recommend serum (blood) testing (e.g., blood-based biomarker) and for this reason it does not meet criteria for the HEDIS measure. NCQA continually monitors clinical practice guidelines as they are updated.


9.16.2024 PCS Questions Do answers from the Policy Clarification Support system have an expiration date?

Yes. Organizations may not use PCS responses that are over 3 years old. If your question relates directly to a measure specification or general guideline that was revised from a previous measurement year, submit the question rather than using the answer in PCS.


9.16.2024 LTI Exclusion How can the LTI exclusion be identified?

Only the LTI flag in the Monthly Membership Detail Data File may be used when identifying this exclusion. No other data sources may be used.


9.16.2024 Sampling for Glycemic Status Assessment for Patients With Diabetes (GSD), Eye Exam for Patients With Diabetes (EED), Blood Pressure Control for Patients With Diabetes (BPD) Measures For hybrid reporting, can the same sample be used for two measures (such as GSD and EED) and a different sample be used for another measure (BPD)?

Yes. Organizations may use the same sample for all measures, the same sample for two measures and a different sample for the third measure, or different samples for the three diabetes measures (GSD, EED, BPD).


6.14.2024 RxNorm codes for Asthma Medication Ratio (AMR) Can RxNorm codes be used when identifying the required exclusion for members who had no asthma controller or reliever medications dispensed during the measurement year?

No. Although the Asthma Controller and Reliever Medication List includes RxNorm codes, they should not be used to identify dispensing events for this required exclusion. Only use pharmacy data (NDC codes) when assessing asthma controller or reliever medication dispensing events for this required exclusion. Because a dispensing event is required to calculate the numerator, members who had no dispensing events should be removed from the measure.


5.21.2024 Inpatient Stay Value Set for Emergency Department Visits for Hypoglycemia in Older Adults with Diabetes (EDH) The HEDIS MY 2024 Value Set Directory (VSD) states that the Inpatient Stay Value Set was deleted from the EDH measure. Please clarify if it should be used for risk adjustment.

Yes, as described in the Guidelines for Risk Adjusted Utilization Measures, organizations must use the Inpatient Stay Value Set for the risk adjustment comorbidity category determination (use the Inpatient Stay Value Set to identify acute and nonacute inpatient discharges with a discharge date during the classification period). The value set was mistakenly deleted from the EDH measure in the VSD. Because the guidelines clearly state that the value set must be used, NCQA does not intend to reissue the VSD.