
Data Collection and Readiness

Organizations that collect, manage and transfer health care data need to ensure the data are accurate and reliable. Historically, this has been a challenge due to variation in what types of data are collected and how the data are captured and shared. This workstream provides resources to help standardize expectations for data quality, validate data that is used for quality and performance reporting and build trust in the data.

Resources will be continuously added and updated, so check back often or sign up to receive updates.

What Is the Digital Quality Transition Playbook?

This section contains the Digital Quality Playbook and resources specific to the data collection and readiness workstream, from creating an inventory of data sources to monitoring key performance indicators for data quality.

Digital Introduction – Phase 1Digital Enabled – Phase 2Fully Digital – Phase 3Digital Only – Phase 4
  • Inventory clinical data sources.
  • Determine availability of FHIR®-based data from data partners (FHIR from the source).
  • Identify internal data ops readiness and FHIR capabilities (just-in-time FHIR and customer data integration).
  • Categorize data by type.
  • Get familiar with Implementation Guides (IGs); take training courses.
  • Make a high-level plan to transition data ops; assess data vendors and their FHIR capabilities.
  • Identify additional data sources in anticipation of hybrid measure phase-out and transition all measures to ECDS.
  • Collaborate with reporting workstreams to identify rate lift from hybrid; create data strategy to mitigate rate drop.
  • Start implementing data ops best practices, including customer data integration.
  • Refine data ops transition plan for each data stream, including FHIR capabilities and data quality.
  • Make high-level plan to transition data ops.
  • Ensure that quality reporting is supported.
  • Continue implementing best practices, including customer data integration, additional data sources.
  • Phase out chart collection/ medical record review as hybrid measures are phased out.
  • Capture metrics on data quality and implement mitigation strategies.
  • Advance year-round/real-time data collection to optimize QI/population health/value-based care use cases and concurrently capture data for reporting.
  • Keep current with FHIR, USCDI and Implementation Guide updates.
  • Prepare final shift to all-ECDS data.
  • Refine data operations to support all use cases in the organization.
  • Continue to optimize FHIR from the source, customer data integration and data quality initiatives.
  • Have key performance indicators in place to ensure that data coverage and quality for supported use cases are always current and actionable.
  • Ensure smooth and timely data processing, continue to source real-time data where possible.
  • Keep current with FHIR, USCDI and IG updates.

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  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Latest Resources


The Language of Interoperability and Digital Quality Measurement


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CQL Engines for Technical Teams


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HEDIS Core Implementation Guide Walkthrough

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Introduction to USCDI


NCQA’s Digital Quality Transition Update


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