
Quality Improvement and Population Health

This workstream is dedicated to improving quality and outcomes in care delivery organizations and health plans. Systematic, targeted outreach leverages data and analytics to focus on specific patient populations. NCQA is building best practices and standards into digital quality content and developing configurable measures that can be used for quality improvement and population health activities like care gap closure, population health, care management and clinical decision support.

Resources will be continuously added and updated, so check back often or sign up to receive updates.

What Is the Digital Quality Transition Playbook?

This section contains the Digital Quality Transition Playbook and resources that are relevant to the quality improvement and population health workstream, from identifying digital quality measurement to phasing out traditional measures.

Digital Introduction – Phase 1Digital Enabled – Phase 2Fully Digital – Phase 3Digital Only – Phase 4
  • Identify measure programs and how they evolve in the transition to dQMs.
  • Assess current QI and population health programs and software, and their digital quality capabilities and roadmap.
  • Identify a subset of measures to pilot digital quality operations.
  • Start with a small subset of measures.
  • Work with vendors to pilot or utilize Digital Content Services reference engine for digital quality measure processing.
  • Establish a plan and needs to support more measures.
  • Start implementing or updating vendor software to support digital quality use cases.
  • Start plan to phase out traditional measure processing.
  • Phase out hybrid measures and create plan to utilize ECDS data collection.
  • Finish transitioning remaining traditional measure development and certification.
  • Phase out processing of traditional measures.

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Latest Resources


The Language of Interoperability and Digital Quality Measurement


FHIR, Quality Measurement and Value-Based Care: What NCQA’s Ed Yurcisin Wants CIOs to Know


CQL Engines for Technical Teams


HEDIS Volume 2 Is Getting a Makeover!


HEDIS Core Implementation Guide Walkthrough

User Guides

Introduction to USCDI


NCQA’s Digital Quality Transition Update


Nine Insights Into Interoperability