
Resource Directory

The New Rules of Data Sharing

Federal officials recently announced new rules for the Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement (TEFCA). That’s big news for data interoperability and HEDIS. Two NCQA experts explain what it all means.

User Guides
How Digital Measures Execute with Clinical Quality Language

Learn more about CQL engines, how they work and why they are important for digital quality.

Updated TEFCA SOPs for Health Care Operations and NCQA

NCQA’s HEDIS® reporting was included as a Level 2 exchange purpose in two standard operating procedures under TEFCA. Find out what it means.

Top Three Challenges in the Transition to Digital Quality

We asked Allison Lance, NCQA’s Director, Digital Quality Community, to explain some of the challenges health care organizations face during the transition to digital quality.

The Move to Digital Quality Measurement

Digital quality measurement promises better measures with less burden. But how do we get to that better future? Rebecca Jacobson, a physician-informaticist and CEO of Astrata, shares what she has learned about incentives, the real vs. expected pace of change, plus the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats she sees in many firms’ digital strategies.

User Guides
Intro to CQL

Curious about Clinical Quality Language (CQL) but feeling more puzzled than informed? You’re in the right spot! Let’s kick off by demystifying the essentials.

Position Statements
Joint Statement on Digital Quality Measurement Interoperability
NCQA Products
NCQA Data Aggregator Validation Expands to Include FHIR Exchange
The Future of HEDIS: Digital Measurement Midyear Review Webinar
Digital Transition Update From The Health Innovation Summit