Self Paced

SOGI - LGBTQ+ Health Care: Quality

Self Paced
Expires: April 30, 2025

This course will examine health disparities, unique health needs and experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals, and strategies to advance routine and standardized collection of sexual orientation and gender identity to help

About this Training

OnDemand CCE Quarterly: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) Webinar – LGBTQ+ Health Care: Quality of Care, Collecting Data, Adult and Pediatric Engagement

This course will examine health disparities, unique health needs and experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals, and strategies to advance routine and standardized collection of sexual orientation and gender identity to help assess access and satisfaction with quality of care, inform delivery of appropriate health services and address health disparities. The presentation will touch on: 
•    Designing a whole-person care model that effectively captures quality performance priorities, community needs and initiatives to engage LGBTQ+ individuals.
•    Effectively engaging the adult and pediatric population and reporting data on sexual orientation and gender identity.
•    Integrating change management techniques and resources to influence clinical and social programs to better engage the LGBTQ+ population. 

What You Will Learn

  •   Learn to incorporate sexual orientation and gender identity data collection into workflows—leveraging EHR and quality improvement techniques. 
  •     Identify at least one method to actively engage and educate staff on the importance of collecting and using these data, how to do so, the data’s impact on health disparities and how data can be used to direct education and clinical practice. 
  •    Identify at least one training, tool or resource to assist your organization in collecting and using these data.

Who Should Attend

  • CCE’s.
  • Consultants.
  • Primary Care Teams.
  • Practice Managers. 
  • Health Plans.
  • Physicians.
  • Nurses.
  • PAs


Vanessa Guzman

Vanessa Guzman, MS, ME, CEO & President

Mrs. Guzman is an expert in health equity and population health strategies, including patient and physician engagement techniques, clinical reporting, health IT, quality management models, and CEO at SmartRise Health. With her personal story as a Latin American woman of color and diverse credentials in engineering, science, and coaching – Vanessa brings incomparable humility, authenticity, intellectual harmony, objectivity, enthusiasm, and commitment that inspire teams, participants, and facilitators to become part of the change they want to see.
With almost 20 years of industry experience and an approach centered around person-empowerment, she works closely with individuals, health systems, Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), payers, and technology and community partners to promote equitable care. Her unique approach includes closely collaborating with physicians and hospitals to implement data-driven tools, payers, clinical infrastructures, pharmaceutical companies, and community partnerships to promote wellness and improve patient health outcomes, and a collaborative learning platform to promote health equity while integrating value-based care and change management concepts. The framework uses stakeholder engagement as a fundamental component to enable a culture of change while building the infrastructure necessary to drive change over time and evaluate the impact of activities focused on advancing equity, improvement in health outcomes, and quality of care. 
Mrs. Guzman also served as the Associate Vice President at the Montefiore Health System (MHS), overseeing physician partnerships, community engagement, population health and quality improvement, clinical performance, and health information technology and reporting.
Her business model facilitates revenue and sponsorship opportunities toward, Created to Thrive, a foundation she formed to promote enrichment programs servings thousands of children, women, and homeless adults worldwide. Created to Thrive allows her true mission, coaching, and transformation experience to shine through her advisory, products, and services.


Tammy Lee


Tammy has worked as a nurse for the last 30 years and as a Clinical Nurse Leader since 2008. She has been the Director of Quality Assurance and Risk Management for Bayou La Batre Area Health Development since October 2014. She attended the University of Mobile for her LPN to RN program where she received her ADN, and Spring Hill College where she received her MSN in the Clinical Nurse Leader track. She has worked as a CNL, as well as coordinated the CNL Program at Carolinas Medical Center, a Level 1 Trauma Center in Charlotte, NC. She served on the Commission for Nurse Certification Board of Commissioners (CNCBOC) as a board member and chair from July 2014 to June 2020. She also served on the CNL Expert Panel in 2012-2014 in reviewing and revising the CNL competencies and on the Job Analysis Committee in 2016. In 2012 she attended the Dartmouth Academy for Health Care Improvement Coach the Coach program and obtained level 1 Healthcare Coach. In September 2018 she attained her Patient Centered Medical Home Content Expert Certification through NCQA. She continually strives to bring recognition to the CNL role and continually works improve the quality of care our patients have come to expect.


Fatin Yousufzai

Fatin Yousufzai, MSHP

Fatin Yousufzai is a Manager of Recognition Policy at NCQA. Her responsibilities include the creation and maintenance of PCMH resources and providing support to practices going through transformation or annual review. Prior to becoming a manager in Recognition Policy, Fatin was a Policy Analyst on the Performance Measurement team at NCQA, where she supported HEDIS measure development, maintained derivative HEDIS publications, and produced HEDIS Value Set Directories (VSDs).
This year she celebrates her 4th year at NCQA. Fatin earned her B.S. in Health Sciences from Howard University and M.S. in Health Policy from George Mason University.



Continuing Education


In support of improving patient care, the National Committee for Quality Assurance is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) to provide Interprofessional Continuing Education for the healthcare team. 

This activity was planned by and for the healthcare team, and learners will receive 1.0 Interprofessional Continuing Education (IPCE) credit for learning and change. 

This educational activity is approved for: 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM.

This educational activity is approved for 1.0 nursing contact hours.*

This live course grants 2.0 required Continuing Education Unit (CEU) points for PCMH Certified Content Experts.  

* Please note – You must attend the entire program to be eligible for total number of contact hours.

Disclosure of Relevant Financial Relationships

The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) endorses the Standards of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education which specify that sponsors of continuing medical education activities and presenters at and planners for these activities disclose any relevant financial relationships either party might have with commercial companies whose products or services are discussed in educational presentations.

For sponsors, relevant financial relationships include large research grants, institutional agreements for joint initiatives, substantial gifts, or other relationships that benefit the institution.  For presenters or planning committee members, relevant financial relationships include the receipt of research grants from a commercial company, consultancies, honoraria, travel, or other benefits, or having a self-managed equity interest in a company; or having an immediate family member or partner with such a relationship.

Disclosure of a relationship is not intended to suggest or condone bias in any presentation but is made to provide participants with information that might be of potential importance to their evaluation of a presentation.

Relevant financial relationships exist with the following companies/organizations:

Vanessa Guzman: None
Tammy Lee: None
Fatin Yousufzai:  None

Additional Planning Committee Members:
Ashley Turner:       None
Vanessa Guzman: None
Tammy Lee:           None
Fatin Yousufzai:     None 
Tracelyn Thigpen:  None
Osman Ahmed:      None

This program was developed in part by NCQA staff.

Event Type
  1. Self Paced
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