Redefining the Quality Playbook
A Learning Series From NCQA
50+ Speakers. 40+ Courses. 6 Months.Talks and seminars from health care experts live and on-demand.
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Complete Quality Innovation Series
Quality Innovation Series topics are arranged in chapters (discussed below), with 5-6 courses per chapter. Chapters are connected to the central theme of health care quality but do not need to be viewed sequentially. Learners can participate in the entire series or in specific chapters, or take individual courses a la carte. Sessions will include presentations from NCQA leadership and staff, in addition to external subject matter experts, thought leaders and accelerators in health care as we continue to redefine the quality playbook.
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Redefining the Quality Playbook
Thu, Jun 17, 1:00 pmEDT
The health care quality landscape is evolving. Over the past year, we have seen unprecedented adversity and innovation, challenging and accelerating patient needs and our systems of care in ways we never thought possible. The drive for quality is even more important as the current climate demands our attention toward reducing health disparities and meeting the needs of vulnerable populations. The pandemic has exacerbated behavioral health issues and substance abuse and addiction.
How do we take the new climate of collaboration and innovation to meet the pressing issues we’ll face over the next few years.
Join NCQA Leadership and C-Suite Executives as we identify solutions and opportunities for innovation toward improving health care quality.
- Peggy O’Kane, President, NCQA
- Michael Barr, MD, MA, MACP, Executive Vice President, NCQA
- Amy Berk, MSN, RN, Director, Population Health, Microsoft
- Joseph R. Betancourt, MD, MPH, Senior Vice President, Equity and Community Health, Massachusetts General Hospital
- Ann Docimo, MD, Chief Medical Officer, United Healthcare
- Brad Ryan, MD, Chief Product Officer, NCQA
Peggy O'Kane
Michael Barr, MD, MBA, MACP
Executive Vice President, Quality Measurement and Research Group
Brad Ryan
Chief Product Officer
Joseph R. Betancourt, MD, MPH
Senior Vice President, Equity and Community Health
Massachusetts General Hospital
Anne Docimo, MD, MBA
Chief Medical Officer
Amy Berk
Director, Population Health
When COVID-19 emerged as a threat to public health, telehealth became indispensable for maintaining a functioning health care system. It eased travel burden, reduced missed appointments, increased access to behavioral healthcare, boosted transitional care management and enabled patients to choose virtual visits across a wide array of services. This chapter features panel discussions from frontline care team members on their efforts to deliver high-quality care in a virtual environment.
Be Netflix, Not Blockbuster: Best Practices in Telehealth Workflows
Tue, Jun 29, 1:00 pmEDT
Course summary1.0 CCE Credit
Health care providers were hit with an unprecedented challenge in 2020: Enhance–or create–telehealth programs practically overnight to provide care to their communities while reducing unnecessary exposure for patients and staff. Some organizations got their programs off the ground easily, but many are still searching for a smooth experience that both staff and patients would willingly choose over the “old way.” This course will share best practices for telehealth workflows collected from organizations across the country, including how to increase patient telehealth virtual (not telephone) visit volume, reduce patient telehealth cycle times, improve patient access through the “digital front door,” schedule optimally for hybrid in-person and telehealth systems, address quality metrics and reduce staff and provider burnout, even across the “digital divides” that exists for many patients who do not have access to reliable internet.
Amanda Laramie
Chief Operations Officer (COO)
Coleman Associates
Best Practices for Patient Engagement With Telehealth
Tue, Jul 20, 1:00 pmEDT
Course summary2.0 CCE Credits
This course presents a panel discussion about the telehealth experiences of a provider and patient/patient advocates, from when an appointment is made through the after-visit follow-up. The panel will discuss how telehealth has improved their health care experience and how to overcome obstacles that prevent easy access to care, and will identify strategies for avoiding the glitches that frustrate patients and providers.
Diann Folkersen
Patient and Family Advisory Council
Comagine Health (formerly Health Insight)
Psarah Johnson
Board Chair
Disabled Rights Action Committee
Dan McDyer, MD, FACOG
Florida Woman Care of Jacksonville
Learning in Action: Implementing a Primary Care Telehealth Response During COVID-19
Wed, Jul 21, 2:00 pmEDT
Course summary1.0 CCE Credit
Susanne Caldwell, RN, MS, PCMH CCE
Senior Program Director
Care Transformation Collaborative - Rhode Island
Sue Dettling, BS, PCMH CCE
Practice Facilitator & Telehealth Project Manager
Care Transformation Collaborative-Rhode Island
Marna Heck-Jones
IT EHR and Quality Data Coordinator
Care Transformation Collaborative-Rhode Island
Combining Technology and Tents: The Use of Telehealth to Promote Safe Access to Well-Child Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Tue, Jul 27, 12:00 pmEDT
Course summary1.0 CCE Credit
The COVID-19 pandemic created a need for primary care practices to pivot quickly toward telehealth to improve access to care. This course will include strategies for implementing a phased approach to telehealth, starting with infants and expanding to other age groups, that can serve as a resource for practices initiating or expanding delivery of telehealth.
Michelle Karten, MD, MSHQS, FAAP
Medical Director
Nemours duPont Pediatrics, Department of Population Health Management
Alanna Drake, MA, PCMH CCE
Practice Transformation Specialist
Nemours duPont Pediatrics, Department of Population Health Management
Staying Connected to Patients in a Pandemic Through Telehealth
Tue, Aug 03, 1:00 pmEDT
Course summary1.0 CCE Credit
As a Federally Qualified Health Center, Greater Portland Health (GPH) provides primary medical, behavioral and dental health services to Greater Portland’s most vulnerable residents, including low-income individuals and families, the homeless, immigrant/refugee/asylum-seekers, children, elderly and the under-/uninsured. Its primary goal during the COVID-19 pandemic has been to remain fully operational and continue to support patients while keeping staff safe. This has required staff to implement telehealth services–something never used before at GPH.
Ann Tucker
Chief Executive Officer
Portland Community Health Center, dba Greater Portland Health
An Equity Approach to People-Centered Virtual Care Policy Design
Mon, Aug 09, 1:00 pmEDT
Course summary1.0 CCE Credit
This course features USofCare policy and research and community engagement staff, as well as a member of USofCare’s Founder’s Council or Voices of Real Life, sharing their perspective from the community. Panelists will explain their people-centered policy design and showcase findings on barriers that diverse communities face when accessing virtual care, and policy solutions to overcome those barriers. Panelists will share their mixed-methods approach for listening to people about their experiences with virtual care (listening sessions, focus groups, 1:1 conversations, public opinion, commissioning research) to learn about their needs, desired outcomes and potential policy solutions. The discussion will also cover how quantitative knowledge is paired with research evidence and expert opinion to ensure an equitable approach to virtual care.
Venice Haynes, PHD
Director of Research & Community Engagement
United States of Care
Jennifer DeYoung
Director of Policy, Building Blocks of Health Reform
United States of Care
Abner Mason
Founder and CEO of ConsejoSano
Omar Ibarra
Former USofCare Policy Intern
This chapter draws attention to the critical issue of our country’s strained (and drained) behavioral healthcare resources. We are struggling through isolation, loneliness and a reduced capacity to cope with the stressors of a global pandemic. Behavioral health experts from leading industries and consumers share insights and strategies for improving access to the mental health care system while also demonstrating how to meet the need for whole-person care.
Eating Disorders: A Look Inside a Virtual Treatment Center
Wed, Sep 08, 1:00 pmEDT
Course summary2.0 CCE Credits
1.5 Nursing Credits
1.5 Physician Credits
On March 17, 2020, Walden Behavioral Care began providing telehealth treatment for ambulatory clients, in an unprecedented attempt to avoid disruption of treatment of eating disorders during the COVID-19 crisis.
This course is an introduction to eating disorders, diagnosis, assessment and interventions, and summarizes what Walden has learned over the past year of providing ambulatory care for people with eating disorders via telehealth.
Rebekah Bardwell Doweyko,
Assistant Vice President of Clinical Operations
Walden Behavioral Care
Rachel Egan, RN, PMHNP-BC
Associate Medical Director for Ambulatory Services
Walden Behavioral Care
Michael Chiumiento, Psy.D
Director of Adolescent & Family Services
Walden Behavioral Care
Kate Craigen, Ph.D
Director of Clinical Integrity and Innovation
Walden Behavioral Care
Geographic and Racial Disparities in Behavioral Health Services in Michigan Medicaid
Wed, Sep 15, 3:00 pmEDT
Course summary1.0 CCE Credit
1.0 Nursing Credit
1.0 Physician Credit
Federal rules require state Medicaid managed care programs to develop a quality strategy that includes a plan to “identify, evaluate, and reduce… health disparities based on age, race, ethnicity, sex, primary language, and disability status.” This work may be delegated to managed care entities that might be technically and operationally unprepared to take it on. Without assistance, health care program leaders may have difficulty figuring out where and how to start. Using data from the Michigan Medicaid agency, four quality of care measures were stratified by race/ethnicity and county for measurement years 2018-2020. Results indicate that racial/ethnic disparities exist for most measures, in all counties, in all years. And although there are differences in performance across counties, there are also clear trends.
Jim McEvoy, MHSA
Health Management Associates
Monica Trevino, MA, CPHQ
Director of Center for Social Enterprise
Michigan Public Health Institute
Bridging the Gaps: Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder
Wed, Sep 22, 1:00 pmEDT
Course summary1.0 CCE Credit
1.0 Nursing Credit
1.0 Physician Credit
This course examines treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD) from a clinical and research perspective. It will review approved medications and their pharmacology, efficacy and safety. Panelists will discuss these lifesaving medications (currently underutilized), describe characteristics of Medicare beneficiaries with OUD and highlight disparities and gaps in access to medications for treating OUD among underserved Medicare populations. The course will close with a discussion of successful models for implementation of primary care-based treatment of OUD.
Dan P. Alford, MD, MPH
Professor of Medicine and Associate Dean of Continuing Medical Education
Boston University School of Medicine
Judy Ng, PhD, MPH
Research Scientist, Quality Measurement and Research Group
Distinction in Behavioral Health Integration: Success Stories From Clinicians on the Front Lines
Wed, Sep 29, 1:00 pmEDT
Course summary2.0 CCE Credits
1.5 Nursing Credits
1.5 Physician Credits
Behavioral health continues to be at the forefront of health care, affecting quality of life and health outcomes, and the pandemic’s impact has increased the number of patients who could benefit from behavioral health integration in primary care practices. NCQA Distinction in Behavioral Health Integration provides guidance for practices to establish solid and effective processes for ensuring that patients continue to get the right care at the right time, whether it’s primary care or a behavioral health intervention. This special Quality Innovation Series course lets participants hear directly from clinicians who have embraced NCQA’s Distinction in Behavioral Health Integration. Their success stories will resonate with and inspire any practice interested in taking the next steps toward providing coordinated care between behavioral health and primary care clinicians.
Jennifer Anglin, MS, CHES, PCMH CCE
Manager, Recognition Policy
Ritu Chandra, MD, FAAP
Preferred Medical Group
Jodi Polaha, Ph.D
Professor, Family Medicine; Director, Institute for Integrated Behavioral Health Organization
Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee State University
Matthew Tolliver, Ph.D
Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics; Assistant Director, Institute for Integrated Behavioral Health
Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee State University
How a Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Behavioral Health Distinction Can Position IBH Best Practices
Tue, Nov 09, 3:30 pmEDT
Course summary1.0 CCE Credit
1.0 Nursing Credit
1.0 Physician Credit
This course is an opportunity to learn how the Care Transformation Collaborative of Rhode Island helped integrated behavioral health (IBH) practices respond to COVID by tele-IBH implementation and earn Behavioral Health Distinction. Areas of focus include working with state and payers to align expectations across the health care system for IBH and sustainability; developing and implementing a 12-month tele-IBH learning collaborative that gives PCMH practices an opportunity to test tele-IBH workflows while working toward earning Behavioral Health Distinction; and developing practical tools to strategically approach earning Behavioral Health Distinction.
Nelly Burdette, Psy.D.
Associate Vice President, Integrated Behavioral Health, Providence Community Health Centers (PCHC)/ Senior Director, Integrated Behavioral Health, Care Transformation Collaborative
Rhode Island (CTC-RI)
Providence Community Health Centers/Care Transformation Collaborative of Rhode Island
Jennifer M. Etue, LICSW
Manager/Float Provider
Integrated Behavioral Health Providence
Community Health Centers
Digital quality measures (DQM) are digitalized versions of existing HEDIS measures—the same type of measure that health plans have used and reported on for three decades. DQMs are key to unlocking the potential of a reimagined quality enterprise. They reduce the time and cost to distribute, implement and maintain measures. Electronic Clinical Data System measures (ECDS), a subset of dQMs that use the HEDIS reporting standard, ease reporting burden by using data generated in the normal course of care delivery and captured in EHRs, registries, health information exchanges and other digital sources. This rich clinical data allows measurement of more of what matters, including outcomes and care for individual patients.
NCQA Digital Quality Primer
Wed, Oct 20, 1:00 pmEDT
Course summary2.0 CCE Credits
1.5 Nursing Credits
1.5 Physician Credits
Digital quality means many things to many people, but what do we at NCQA mean when we say digital quality? We want a digital quality framework that cuts waste and burden in quality reporting. We want it to foster measurement across levels of the health care system. We want it to accurately pinpoint the factors that lead to high-value care. And we want all of this to “set the table” for a learning health system that consistently provides timely data for more immediate action to improve care. Join NCQA for a digital quality primer that lays the groundwork for understanding the terms, methods, strategies and end-to-end process of the value chain surrounding digital quality guidelines, reporting solutions, performance solutions and more. This course also explores common misperceptions about digital quality and what organizations should be doing now to prepare for, accelerate and implement digital quality measurement.
Anne Marie Smith, MHA
AVP, Performance Measurement
Emily Morden, MSW
Director, Electronic Clinical Measurement Strategy
The Policy Roundtable: Advancing the Move to Digital Measurement
Fri, Oct 22, 1:00 pmEDT
Course summary1.0 CCE Credit
This year, CMS signaled its plan for all quality measurement used across the agency to be fully digital by 2025. For several years, NCQA has worked with stakeholders to prepare them for the next generation of quality measurement. In this course, NCQA, policymakers and leading voices in health care reform will provide an overview of the federal policies supporting the move to digital measurement and discuss implications of a more digitally enabled health care system.
Eric Musser, MPH
Director, Federal Affairs
David K. Kelley, M.D., M.P.A.
Chief Medical Officer
Office of Medical Assistance Programs
Office of Long-Term Services
Pennsylvania Department of Human Services
Michelle Schreiber, MD
Director, Quality Measurement & Value Based Incentives Group, CMS
Orriel Richardson, JD
Health Counsel - Committee on Ways and Means
Maximizing Quality Through Digital Approaches to Guidelines and Measurement
Tue, Nov 02, 1:00 pmEDT
Course summary1.0 CCE Credit
In this course, NCQA and industry thought leaders will discuss challenges and opportunities to develop, adopt and implement digital quality guidelines and measures, as well as implications for advancing digital quality. Learn what industry leaders are already doing in this space and where the future is taking them. This is a great opportunity to benchmark your organization to others in digital quality transformation and learn what has worked well (and what hasn’t) for the trailblazers.
Brad Ryan, MD
Chief Product Officer
Roadmap to the Future – Leveraging Electronic Clinical Data for Quality Measurement
Wed, Nov 10, 1:00 pmEDT
Course summary1.0 CCE Credit
NCQA is embarking on a mission to enhance quality measurement by enabling technical specifications to use standardized electronic clinical data captured during care delivery and exchanged using standard formats and measure logic. In this course, we discuss the path forward for leveraging electronic clinical data for measurement and care improvement.
Fern McCree, MPH
Senior Research Associate, Electonic Clinical Measurement Strategy
Emily Morden, MSW
Director, Electronic Clinical Measurement Strategy
Data Aggregator Validation (DAV) Program Official Launch
Mon, Nov 15, 3:00 pmEDT
Course summary1.0 CCE Credit
An overview of NCQA’s DAV program, including the life cycle of conception to launch, high level review of program standards, eligibility and benefits of the program.
Wendy Talbot, MPH
Assistant Vice President, Measure, Collection & Audit, IT & Information Products NCQA
Suzanne Wallen, MHA
Assistant Vice President, Measure Certification NCQA
Using Natural Language Processing to Achieve HEDIS Year-Round Review
Wed, Nov 17, 1:00 pmEDT
Course summary1.0 CCE Credit
1.0 Nursing Credit
1.0 Physician Credit
In 2018, UPMC Health Plan set a strategic goal to move to prospective, year-round HEDIS review for hybrid measures, across Medicare, Medicaid and SNP business lines. To support this strategic goal, the UPMC Health Plan Quality team worked with technology innovators at UPMC Enterprises to apply Natural Language Processing to HEDIS hybrid abstraction. Working together, UPMC teams developed a unique technology platform that markedly increases abstractor efficiency in closing gaps. The system is currently in production use at UPMC Health Plan across 12 measures and 3 lines of business. This course discusses the use of natural language processing for HEDIS, as well as lessons learned after introducing NLP into real-world HEDIS workflows.
Lisa Gerdes
Director, Quality Improvement
UPMC Health Plan
Rebecca Jacobson
Astrata, Inc.
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the urgent need for tools to better identify and address health disparities and under-performance throughout the health care system. This chapter examines efforts to ensure that the patient’s clinician, care team and health plan understand their cultural and linguistic needs and provide appropriate services to meet them. NCQA research staff will share their work to investigate, illuminate and elevate health equity solutions.
Implementing Program-Level Change for Health Equity in Value-Based Care
Thu, Jul 29, 1:00 pmEDT
Course summary1.0 CCE Credit
This course examines structured models for advancing community-based programs in population health. Purpose-interrelated topics include future quality and value-based care pathways, social determinants of health, a deep dive into the implications of COVID-19 and emerging health care trends.
Vanessa Guzman
CEO & President
SmartRise Health
Addressing Social Determinants of Health - A Resource Guide
Thu, Aug 05, 1:00 pmEDT
Course summary2.0 CCE Credits
2.0 Nursing Credits
2.0 Physician Credits
This course includes highlights from the recently developed NCQA guide on social determinants of health–a resource for health plans, clinically integrated networks and clinicians to design and implement strategies that address SDOH for commercially insured populations. NCQA staff will facilitate a discussion of strategies, NCQA programs and in-the-field examples to improve SDOH interventions.
Keri Christensen
Director, Strategy Implementation
Brittani Spaulding
Manager, QSG
Denys Lau
Senior Research Scientist
Jacqueline Willits
Health Care Analyst
Addressing Health Disparities in Quality Measurement: An Examination of the "Vital Few"
Thu, Aug 12, 1:00 pmEDT
Course summary1.0 CCE Credit
1.0 Nursing Credit
1.0 Physician Credit
This session shares how a health provider prioritized a subset of quality measures targeted at high risk patients for action. Through tools revamping, operational teams were equipped to shift from their traditional outreach program to fully implement new work driven by the “Vital Few” measures. Results show an appreciable impact in reducing disparities in quality outcomes for the target measures and population.
Edward Yu, MD, CMQ, CPPS, CPE
Palo Alto Medical Foundation/Sutter Health
Building Better Care–Developing a Health Care Quality Index
Thu, Aug 19, 1:00 pmEDT
Course summary1.0 CCE Credit
1.0 Nursing Credit
1.0 Physician Credit
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (Blue Cross NC) sought input and collaboration from a “coalition of the willing” key stakeholders to address inequities in its members’ health care and in the state as a whole. This course highlights development of a Health Care Equity Index–a tool to help identify opportunities to improve health equity in a health plan, monitor progress toward closing disparities and help communities and the state meet health care equity goals–as well as challenges and lessons learned.
Qi Zhou, MD
Vice President, Enterprise Quality Strategy and Management
John R. Lumpkin, MD, MPH
President, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina Foundation
Vice President, Drivers of Health Strategy
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina
Optimizing Community Health Workers and Population Monitoring Techniques to Address Social Determinants of Health
Thu, Aug 26, 1:00 pmEDT
Course summary1.0 CCE Credit
This session defines the future role of the community health worker in bridging the health equity gap in the clinical setting. This course includes applied methods and analytic tools for assessing social determinants of health at the community level.
Amy Goodman
Senior Project Manager
Primary Care Development Corporation
Sarahjane Rath, MPH, CHES
Primary Care Development Corporation
Evolving HEDIS for Equity: Updates and Future Directions
Wed, Oct 13, 1:00 pmEDT
Course summary1.0 CCE Credit
1.0 Nursing Credit
1.0 Physician Credit
Health care quality cannot exist without equity. NCQA is committed to building, measuring and promoting equity through all our programs. Empowering HEDIS to speak directly to these goals is a central part of this effort. Join NCQA staff for an overview of our equity measurement strategy and learn more about how we are evolving HEDIS to build toward better transparency and action. This course will include a review of new race and ethnicity stratifications, next steps for a more inclusive HEDIS and a preview of a new measure concept for social needs screening.
Rachel Harrington
Research Scientist
Deidre Washington
Research Scientist
This chapter features organizations that have implemented leading-edge strategies to improve both quality and value through a variety of initiatives that improve the customer experience, integrate care, engage patients and their families and work to redesign the care delivery system. Join us as we learn from their innovation, creativity and distinctive “outside the box” solutions.
Hospital at Home: A Leading Care Model for the Future?
Wed, Jul 28, 1:00 pmEDT
Course summary2.0 CCE Credits
1.5 Nursing Credits
1.5 Physician Credits
Hospital at Home is an innovative patient care model that picked up traction during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is growing in the U.S. and internationally, and is part of the expanding movement to deliver health care in people’s homes. While early success with the model shows feasibility, improved outcomes and lower costs for certain patients with select conditions and building consensus across providers, payers and policymakers is key for ensuring long-term success for this emerging model. Join NCQA and Hospital at Home experts for a 90-minute roundtable discussion of early successes and emerging policies and infrastructure considerations. Faculty include policymakers, private industry representatives and researchers.
Caroline Blaum, MD, MS
Senior Research Scientist
Bruce Leff, MD
Professor of Medicine Director, Center for Transformative Geriatric Research Division of Geriatric Medicine
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Raphael Rakowski
Executive Chairman, Chief Development Officer, and Co-Founder
Medically Home
Amal Agarwal DO, MBA
Vice President, Home Solutions Business Development and Strategy
Humana, Inc.
John Halamka, MD, MS
Mayo Clinic Platform
Preventing Diabetic Complications: An FQHC Approach
Wed, Aug 04, 1:00 pmEDT
Course summary1.0 CCE Credit
1.0 Nursing Credit
1.0 Physician Credit
Swope Health Services serves a vulnerable underserved patient population that has many high-risk factors for complications of diabetes. Using PCMH principles, it built an EMR (e clinical works) tool for effective previsit planning—even in an open access setting—and linked it to other electronic tools, such as in-office retinal exam devices, to improve diabetes outcomes and focus on tertiary prevention.
Naiomi Jamal, MD, MPH, CMQ
Chief Quality Officer
Swope Health Services
Person-Driven Outcomes: Driving Care That Matters
Wed, Aug 04, 3:00 pmEDT
Course summary1.0 CCE Credit
1.5 Nursing Credits
1.5 Physician Credits
There is broad agreement that individuals’ priorities and health goals should guide their care, but existing quality measures do not effectively evaluate what is most important to individuals, particularly older adults with multiple chronic conditions, serious illness or frailty. Current health care quality measures use a “one-size-fits-all” approach that does not work when individuals face complex trade-offs in determining the right course of treatment or when they need services and supports beyond traditional medical care. The person-driven outcomes approach individualizes measurement based on what people identify as most important. Quality measures created on this approach have the potential to fill a critical gap in the current system of value-based payment. This course will discuss implementating person-driven outcomes in clinical practice and incorporating the patient voice into quality measurement.
Angelia Bowman, MS, MSPM
Director, Research & Analysis
Caroline Blaum, MD, MS
Senior Research Scientist, Performance Measurement
Scott Mancuso, MD
Chief Clinical Officer - West
Landmark Health
Michael Mason, MD
Lead Clinician
Kaiser Permanente MyCareMyHome Program
Aanand Naik, MD
Robert J. Luchi Chair and Chief of Geriatrics and Palliative Care
Baylor College of Medicine
Improving Quality and Efficiency of Care: The Power of Standardized Electronic Health Records
Wed, Aug 18, 1:00 pmEDT
Course summary1.0 CCE Credit
1.0 Nursing Credit
1.0 Physician Credit
Electronic health records have the potential to improve quality of care and patient safety, but key quality data is often spread over multiple locations in the electronic chart, necessitating extensive, time-consuming reviews in order to obtain a complete and timely picture of a patient. The time required to perform a comprehensive chart review results in less time spent in direct face-to-face patient care, diminished clinical efficiency and increased risk of provider burnout, which in turn can have a detrimental impact on quality of care.
Balakrishna Mudavath
Senior Analyst
Cleveland Clinic
Allison Weathers, MD, FAAN
Associate Chief Medical Information Officer
Cleveland Clinic
Steven Shook, MD, MBA
Strategic Lead for Virtual Health
Cleveland Clinic
Double Jeopardy - Pandemic and Health Disparities: Collaborative, Data-Driven Community Interventions and Innovation During Crisis
Wed, Aug 25, 1:00 pmEDT
Course summary2.0 CCE Credits
1.0 Nursing Credit
1.0 Physician Credit
In health care, as in other industries, disaster often inspires innovation. By April 23, 2020, Dallas, Texas, had 2,763 cases of COVID-19 and 72 deaths. The hospital in-patient and ER were strained. To contain the spread of the virus in the community, the Parkland Health & Hospital System team, in partnership with PCCI, developed a multi-prong, technology-based solution. To date, over 500,000 upcoming clinical encounters have been prescreened for risk, resulting in relatively early detection and treatment of cases and decreasing potential exposure to the health system.
Anjum Varshney, RN, MBA, PCMH CCE
Associate Director Performance Improvement
Parkland Health & Hospital System
Vidya Ayyr, MPH
Director of Social Impact
Parkland Health & Hospital System
Brett Moran, MD
SVP, Associate Chief Medical Officer, CMIO
Parkland Health & Hospital System
Donna Persaud, MD, MBA
Homes Medical Director
Parkland Health & Hospital System
Subject matter experts will provide an overview of new HEDIS measures, updates to existing measures and measures that are being retired—including the rationale behind retiring measures and developing new ones—and will share feedback from public comment.
HEDIS Measurement Year (MY) 2021 Update
Thu, Jun 24, 1:00 pmEDT
Course summary1.0 CCE Credit
1.0 Nursing Credit
1.0 Physician Credit
During this course, NCQA staff share updates to measures for HEDIS MY 2021 and discuss key dates for data collection.
Cindy Ottone
Director, Measures Policy Quality Measurement and Research
Specialist Quality Measurement
Thu, Jul 22, 1:00 pmEDT
Course summary2.0 CCE Credits
1.5 Nursing Credits
1.5 Physician Credits
For so long, the goal to improve health care has focused on primary care quality and overlooked the significance of specialist care’s contributions toward that goal. The path to improving quality measurement lies in greater acquisition and analysis of clinical data.
Terri Kitchen
Divisional Vice President, Quality and Accreditation
Blue Cross Blue Shield IL
HEDIS Measurement Year (MY) 2022 Volume 2 Changes
Tue, Oct 05, 1:00 pmEDT
Course summary2.0 CCE Credits
1.5 Nursing Credits
1.5 Physician Credits
Join NCQA measure champions as they discuss the rationale behind development of new measures, changes to existing measures and overall volume 2 updates for HEDIS MY 2022.
Nancy McGee, MS, MBA
Senior Health Care Analyst, Quality Measurement and Research Group
Pam Lighter, MPH
Senior Research Associate, Quality Measurement and Research Group
Cindy Ottone, MHA
Director, Measures Policy Quality Measurement and Research
Rachel Harrington, PhD
Research Scientist, Quality Measurement and Research Group
Lyndsey Nguyen, MS
Senior Health Care Analyst, Quality Measurement and Research Group
Emily Hubbard, MS
Health Care Analyst, Quality Measurement and Research Group
Deidre Washington, PhD
Research Scientist, Quality Measurement and Research Group
Danielle Rainis, MPH
Health Care Analyst, Quality Measurement and Research Group
HEDIS Measurement Year (MY) 2020 First-Year Results and MY 2023 Pipeline
Tue, Oct 12, 1:00 pmEDT
Course summary1.0 CCE Credit
1.0 Nursing Credit
1.0 Physician Credit
NCQA staff will share HEDIS MY 2020 first-year analysis results and reporting results for domains of measures gaining attention, including 11 measures collected via Electronic Clinical Data Systems and 4 national measures of Long-Term Services and Supports reported by health plans and community-based organizations. Staff will also share what’s in the measurement pipeline for HEDIS MY 2023.
Nancy McGee, MS, MBA
Senior Health Care Analyst. Quality Measurement and Research Group
Pamela Lighter, MPH
Senior Research Associate, Quality Measurement and Research Group
Emily Hubbard, MS
Health Care Analyst, Quality Measurement and Research Group
Deidre Washington, PhD
Research Scientist, Quality Measurement and Research Group
Daniel Roman
Director, Performance Measurement, Quality Measurement and Research Group
Lindsey Roth, MPP
Research Scientist, Quality Measurement and Research Group
Fern McCree, MPH
Senior Research Associate, Electronic Measurement Strategy, Quality Measurement and Research Group
Building Data and Measurement Practices Across a Network
Mon, Oct 18, 1:00 pmEDT
Course summary1.0 CCE Credit
1.0 Nursing Credit
1.0 Physician Credit
This course focuses on assessing and establishing robust QI practices across a diverse network of providers to advance the network as a performance-driven organization, with a focus on collaboration around defined behavioral health priority measures, using individualized agency support to drive implementation and practice change. Panelists will describe the evolution of quality improvement efforts, creation of data visualization to support informed decision making and development of common processes based on shared best practices, and will also discuss their efforts to build on this foundation to sustain practices at the agency and network levels.
Lynette Thelen, MBA
Senior Consultant
Center for Collaboration in Community Health at CCSI
David Eckert, LMHC, NCC, CRC
Senior Consultant
Center for Collaboration in Community Health at CCSI
HEDIS Audit & Data Collection Updates
Wed, Nov 03, 1:00 pmEDT
Course summary1.0 CCE Credit
1.0 Nursing Credit
1.0 Physician Credit
During this session, NCQA staff will review and discuss Audit and Data Collection updates for HEDIS MY 2021 and provide a glimpse of Data Collection updates to come for MY 2022.
Wendy Talbot, MPH
AVP, Measure Collection & Audit • IT & Information Products
Garcene Duckett, MSIS
Assistant Director, Data Collection, IT & Information Products
The pandemic bolstered the case for accelerating the move to value-based payment models. Entities in value-based models that focus on population health and accountability already had systems of care in place and were able to quickly adapt to the changing environment. They provided services to their patients and escaped the severe financial disruptions experienced by the loss of fee-for-service revenue. Join us for panel discussions with leaders in value-based care delivery.
Creating Alignment Between Value-Based Care, Quality Programs and Health Equity Objectives
Tue, Aug 31, 1:00 pmEDT
Course summary1.0 CCE Credit
This course examines the changing relationships between patients, physicians, hospitals, insurers, employers, communities and government in the current value-based care landscape.
Vanessa Guzman
CEO & President
SmartRise Health
Implementing a Population Health Focused Quality Program Across an Integrated Network
Tue, Sep 07, 1:00 pmEDT
Course summary2.0 CCE Credits
This course examines opportunities for implementing a networkwide QI program through a population health lens, with a focus on behavioral health. Speakers share considerations for value-based payment contracts with payers, including managed care organizations, on behalf of clinically integrated provider networks, to provide health care and related social services.
Jessica Frisco, RN, BSN, MPH
Director, Quality and Compliance
Caroline Heindrichs, MA
Executive Director
Daniel Korovikov, Psy.D.
Director of Analytics
Astor Services
Improving Chronic Kidney Disease Care Through Toolkit-Supported Strategies
Tue, Sep 14, 1:00 pmEDT
Course summary1.0 CCE Credit
This course will highlight recently-developed tools and resources related to enhancing the quality of chronic kidney disease (CKD) care including the Office of Minority Health and NCQA’s CKD Disparities: Educational Guide for Primary Care, Bayer and NCQA’s Kidney Health Toolkit, and a new performance measure on kidney health evaluations for people with diabetes. The course will also feature a panel discussion with input from patient, health plan, and provider perspectives on how to improve CKD care and outcomes.
Dawn Edwards
Patient Advocate
Delphine S. Tuot, MDCM, MAS
Associate Professor of Medicine
University of California, San Francisco
Shannon Davis, MSN, APRN, FNP-C, RCEP, CDCES
Senior Manager Quality Improvement
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Karen Onstad, MPH, MPP
Director, Quality Solutions Group
Alyssa Hart, MPH
Senior Healthcare Analyst
Theresa Hwee, MPH
Health Care Analyst
Emily Hubbard
Health Care Analyst
Tackling Disease Care in Rural Communities Through a State-Based Collaborative
Tue, Sep 21, 1:00 pmEDT
Course summary1.0 CCE Credit
During this course, we assess population health improvement opportunities and interventions for rural communities. In a state-based collaborative, practices are guided to choose a track/focus for increasing capacity and providing resources to patients for diabetes, hypertension and hyperlipidemia. Tracks include the ability to implement or connect to programs such as the National Diabetes Prevention Program, diabetes self-management education and incorporating clinical pharmacists and other clinical team members into the care team. Other improvement strategies include team-based care, EHR optimization, quality data and developing workflows and protocols that closely align with the PCMH model.
Lindsay Williams, RHIT, CCA, PCMH CCE
Practice Transformation Consultant
South Carolina Office of Rural Health
LaShandal Pettaway-Brown, MHA, MBA, PCMH CCE
Practice Transformation Consultant
South Carolina Office of Rural Health
Leveraging Clinical Champions to Create a Culture of High-Value Care
Tue, Sep 28, 1:00 pmEDT
Course summary1.0 CCE Credit
The transition to value-based care is fixed on payment models, with scarce attention to stewarding a culture of value within the care setting. However, clinicians are uniquely positioned to champion high-value care initiatives and to increase peer engagement. In this course, we discuss a peer-mentoring model dedicated to clinical decisions focused on value-based care delivery.
Michael Parchman, MD
Director, RWJF Clinical Value Champion Fellowship Program
Kaiser Permanente
Value-Based Contracting and Specialty Pharmaceuticals: Quality Measurement for Warrantied Value
Tue, Oct 19, 1:00 pmEDT
Course summary1.0 CCE Credit
Specialty drugs will soon represent more than 50% of the total US drug spend. Increasingly, specialty pharmaceutical manufacturers are engaging in value-based agreements that warranty the performance of their products. To operationalize these agreements for optimal financial and clinical outcomes, they must be computable. Progress towards contractual clinical and financial endpoints needs to be continuously measured. Ideally these measures are computed in real-time, producing the insights stakeholders require for continuous improvement. Stakeholders include payers, providers, and patients. This course explores what’s possible and likely in the deployment of real-time digital clinical, process, and financial measures within the new generation of specialty pharmaceutical value-based contracts.
Scott J. Kornhauser
SJ Kornhauser Consulting
Jordana Baron, MBA, MPH
Product Development Manager
QIS Virtual Product Demonstration Roundtable
Fri, Nov 05, 1:00 pmEDT
Course summaryAttend this Virtual Product Demonstration Roundtable as part of the NCQA Quality Innovation Series to hear directly from some of our sponsors and learn more about the products or services they have available to help you improve health care quality. Each participating company will have a dedicated amount of time to present, per the schedule below. Participants are encouraged to use the webinar Q&A and Chat functions to interact directly with the presenters.
Tackling Racial Disparities in Chronic Kidney Disease
Mon, Nov 08, 1:00 pmEDT
Course summaryThis course will explore the drivers of health disparities in CKD and practical actions health plans, health systems and clinicians can take to achieve health equity. Led by Dr. Sylvia Rosas, the President-Elect of the National Kidney Foundation.
Dr. Sylvia Rosas
President-Elect of the National Kidney Foundation
Emmanuel Mensah, MD, MBA
Internist and Firm Chief in the Department of Medicine at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Digital Solutions for Advancing the Quality Playbook
Thu, Nov 18, 1:00 pmEDT
At the QIS kick-off, we asked, “How do we take the new climate of collaboration and innovation to meet the pressing issues we’ll face over the next few years?”
For the last 6 months, more than 50 speakers over 40 courses have tried to answer that question.
Join us for the closing session, where we bring together quality accelerators in digital solutions to discuss themes from the entire series to identify and amplify solutions for improving health care quality.
John Glaser, PhD
Executive in Residence at Harvard Medical School
NCQA Board Member
Aashima Gupta
Global Healthcare Strategy and Solutions, Google Cloud
Hilary Hatch, PhD
Chief Clinical Officer
Matt Tran
Director, Product Innovation
Centene Commercial Solutions
Select Chapters
This Quality Innovation Series is designed to provide flexibility in the courses you would like to enroll in if you do not wish to pursue the All Access Pass. Please select the register button to the right to identify which chapters and courses you would like as an a la carte option.