How do I determine if my health plan has NCQA Accreditation?
NCQA Accredits most health plans in the country. To find out if your health plan or a prospective health plan is Accredited, go to NCQA’s Report Cards.
Our company has an onsite health clinic. Does NCQA accredit these clinics?
NCQA’s Patient-Centered Connected Care™ Recognition was built from the medical home model of care, and identifies how well sites—urgent care centers, retail clinics, worksite health clinics and others—fit into the medical home “neighborhood.” Worksite health clinics are evaluated on how well they connect with primary care, identify patient needs, provide patient care and measure and improve performance.
What is HEDIS and how can I use it?
The Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) is one of health care’s most widely used performance improvement tools. Across the country, more than 200 million people are enrolled in plans that report HEDIS results. Health plans generally provide HEDIS metrics to employers. In addition, every fall, NCQA publishes The State of Health Care Quality Report, which summarizes key HEDIS metrics at the national level.
My company has a wellness program. Does the Wellness and Health Promotion Accreditation program accredit employers?
NCQA’s Wellness and Health Promotion Accreditation or Certification evaluates organizations to ensure that they implement industry best practices and apply evidence-based methods proven to support health and improve outcomes. Learn more about the Wellness and Health Promotion program.
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