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2.15.2023 Use of software for evidence-based clinical guidelines for PHM 5, Element B For PHM 5, Element B, factor 1, is it considered delegation if an organization uses evidenced-based clinical content licensed for use in their own case management system?

No. The use of another entity’s evidence-based content within the organization’s case management system is not considered delegation if the organization maintains control over how the content is used and can customize it as needed. The evidence used to support the content must be cited.

HP 2023

2.15.2023 Use of software to collect credentialing information Is it considered delegation if an organization uses software to only collect credentialing information?

No. The use of another entity’s software to collect credentialing information is not considered delegation unless the other entity also reviews the information on the organization's behalf. NCQA standards allow organizations to use software to collect credentialing information from approved sources, as long as organization staff document that the information was reviewed and verified.

CM 2023

1.09.2023 January 2023 Summary of Updates What changes were made to the PCMH Standards and Guidelines for Version 8.1?

TopicUpdate Highlights
Front MatterAdded definitions of “electronic health record (EHR)” and “certified electronic health record technology (CEHRT).”
TC 05Added a note that beginning in 2024, practices will be required to have an EHR.
KM 09Added a note that gender identify and sexual orientation requirements apply to all patients 18 years of age and older.
CM 10Replaced “person-driven outcomes approach” with “person-centered outcomes approach.”
QI 08 & QI 09PCMH QI 08 and QI 09: Added notes stating that if the measures reported in QI 01 or QI 02 do not leave room for improvement, practices may choose different measures within the categories to focus improvement efforts on. 

PCMH 2017

1.09.2023 PCSP January 2023 Summary of Updates What changes were made to the PCSP Standards and Guidelines for Version 5.1?

TopicUpdate Highlights
Front MatterAdded definitions of “electronic health record (EHR)” and “certified electronic health record technology (CEHRT).”
TC 05Added a note that beginning in 2024, practices will be required to have an EHR.
KM 09Added a note that gender identify and sexual orientation requirements apply to all patients 18 years of age and older.
CM 10Replaced “person-driven outcomes approach” with “person-centered outcomes approach.”

PCSP 2019

12.27.2022 Annual Reporting Why are evaluators asking for the practice to provide an explanation for performance rates? What should the explanation consist of?

Evaluators may ask practices to provide an explanation, or context and reasoning, for the data submitted. If a reported performance rate seems too low (or too high), the evaluator may ask the practice to enter an explanation of the performance in the Notes section of QPASS.  

Practices are expected to provide a clear and succinct response as to why their performance rate is low, or unusually high. Because practices are expected to have fully implemented PMCH workflows and processes, the Review Oversight Committee (ROC) members would like to understand the reasoning behind the reported performance rates.  

PCMH 2017

12.15.2022 Auditing Data Collected Using Natural Language Processing (NLP) Is a Continuity of Care Document (CCD) acceptable for primary source verification when auditing data collected by NLP?

No. Data collected using NLP needs to be audited back to the legal health record. CCDs are not considered the legal health record or proof of service, and are not a replacement for an electronic health record.  

HEDIS 2022

12.15.2022 Advance Care Planning (ACP) When using supplemental data, does an advance care plan executed before the measurement year meet criteria?

No. The measure requires evidence of an advance care plan during the measurement year, dated during the measurement year. If the advance care plan is scanned into the EMR and dated in the measurement year, it meets criteria. If the plan is found in the EMR or member record from a prior year, it does not meet criteria unless there is dated evidence that it was reviewed or discussed during the measurement year.

HEDIS 2023

12.15.2022 Transitions of Care (TRC) When using the fifth bullet to meet criteria for Medication Reconciliation Post-Discharge, if documentation indicates that the medication reconciliation was performed during a post-op/surgery follow-up visit by the surgeon who performed the surgery or the provider who admitted the member, or if the surgery is for a procedure that is typically performed inpatient, does this count as evidence that the provider was aware of the hospitalization at the time of the visit?

No. Medication reconciliations performed during a post-op/surgery follow-up visit alone do not meet criteria even if the visit was performed by the provider who admitted the member or who performed the surgery, or if the procedure is typically performed inpatient. The intent is that medical record documentation must support awareness of the hospitalization (denominator event) at the time of the medication reconciliation, even if the provider admitted the member or saw the member during the hospitalization, or if the procedure is typically performed inpatient. 

HEDIS 2023

12.15.2022 Sampling Guidelines—Multiple Measures using a common sample If members are deceased are they removed from all measures that use the same sample?

Yes. If multiple measures use the same sample, a deceased member is removed from all related samples. For example, deceased members who are removed from the Childhood Immunization (CIS) sample would also be removed from the Lead Screening (LSC) sample. Similarly, deceased members who are removed from the Hemoglobin A1c Control for Patients With Diabetes (HBD) sample would also be removed from Blood Pressure Control for Patients With Diabetes (BPD) and Eye Exam for Patients With Diabetes (EED) samples. This FAQ was previously posted in November 2022 and was updated to remove the reference to the KED measure.

HEDIS 2023

12.15.2022 General Guideline 28 and International Normalized Ratio Monitoring for Individuals on Warfarin (INR) Should organizations use laboratory claims and data for the INR Test Value Set in the International Normalized Ratio Monitoring for Individuals on Warfarin Pharmacy Quality Alliance measure?

Yes. Although LOINC codes were removed from the INR Test Value Set, organizations should use laboratory claims and data for this value set, in addition to medical claims. This value set should be listed in General Guideline 28 with other value sets that do not contain LOINC codes.

Exchange 2023

11.16.2022 General Guideline 28: Identifying Events/Diagnoses Using Laboratory or Pharmacy Data Should organizations use laboratory claims and data for the Drug Test Value Set in the Annual Monitoring for Persons on Long-Term Opioid Therapy Pharmacy Quality Alliance measure?

Yes. Although LOINC codes were removed from the Drug Test Value Set, organizations should use laboratory claims and data for this value set. This value set should be listed in General Guideline 28 with the other value sets that do not contain LOINC codes but should use laboratory claims and data.

**This FAQ applies to QRS MY 2022.

Exchange 2022

11.15.2022 Depression Screening and Follow-Up for Adolescents and Adults (DSF-E) and Unhealthy Alcohol Use Screening and Follow-Up (ASF-E) In the data elements reporting tables for Depression Screening and Follow-Up for Adolescents and Adults (DSF-E) and Unhealthy Alcohol Use Screening and Follow-Up (ASF-E), the reporting instructions for the initial population and exclusions data elements state, “For each Metric and Stratification.” However, these measures have the same initial population and exclusions reported for each metric. Should the reporting instructions state “For each stratification, repeat per metric”?

Yes. The reporting instructions for the initial population and exclusions data elements for ASF-E and DSF-E for MY 2022 and MY 2023 are incorrect. The reporting instructions should state, “For each stratification, repeat per metric” for the initial population and exclusions data elements. Refer to the PDF  for the corrected data elements tables.
Note: The information is correct in IDSS (the validations check "For each stratification, repeat per metric” for the initial population and exclusions data elements).


**This FAQ applies to both HEDIS Volume 2 MY 2022 and HEDIS Volume 2 MY 2023

HEDIS 2023