FAQ Directory

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8.19.2020 Weight Assessment and Counseling for Nutrition and Physical Activity for Children/ Adolescents Do telehealth visits meet criteria for the components of the BMI percentile indicator?

Yes. Member-reported biometric values (height, weight, BMI percentile) collected during a telephone visit, e-visit or virtual check-in that meet the requirements of General Guidelines 39: Member-Reported Services and Biometric Values are eligible for use in reporting. 

**This FAQ applies to HEDIS Volume 2 MY 2020 & MY 2021.

HEDIS 2021

8.19.2020 Controlling High Blood Pressure Does the medical record documentation need to state the BP was taken with a digital device?

Documentation does not need to specifically state the BP was taken with a digital device or that it was not taken with a manual blood pressure cuff and stethoscope.

**This FAQ applies to HEDIS Volume 2 MY 2020 & MY 2021.

HEDIS 2021

8.19.2020 Palliative Care Exclusion May supplemental and medical record data be used to identify members for the Palliative Care exclusion?

Yes. Although the required palliative care exclusion is intended to be identified using administrative data, medical record and supplemental data may also be used. If a member is identified as being in palliative care during hybrid medical record review, the member must be removed from the sample and replaced with a member from the oversample. Count the member in the “Number of medical records excluded because of valid data errors” data element.

If organizations use supplemental data to remove members in palliative care from administrative-only measures or hybrid measures, they must follow the supplemental data guidelines (General Guideline 31). Count these members in the “Number of required exclusions” data element.

**This FAQ applies to HEDIS Volume 2 MY 2020 & MY 2021.

HEDIS 2021

8.15.2020 CR 7: Organizational Providers NCQA added language to CR 7 in the 2020 Health Plan Accreditation standards to clarify that Element A applies to all organizational providers (e.g., telemedicine providers, urgent care centers). What does NCQA mean by “all organizational providers”?

NCQA added the word “all” to CR 7 in the 2020 HPA standards and guidelines because it expects organizations to have policies for assessing all providers with which they contract. However, under the 2020 standards and in previous years, NCQA only scores policies for providers listed in CR 7, Elements B and C.
Because the definition may not be sufficient to clearly identify which organizations NCQA considers “providers,” here is a list of provider types in addition to those listed in Elements B and C:

  • Telemedicine providers.
  • Urgent care centers.
  • Hospice.
  • Clinical labs.
  • Comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation facilities.
  • Outpatient physical therapy.
  • Speech pathology providers.
  • End-stage renal disease services.
  • Outpatient diabetes self-management training.
  • Portable x-ray suppliers.
  • Rural health clinics.
  • Federally qualified health centers.

UM-CR-PN 2020

7.15.2020 Updated: UM 11- Outsourcing Storage of Utilization Management Data To External Entities How many contracts does NCQA review for Elements A and B, factor 6 if an organization outsources UM data to external entities?

If an organization contracts with external entities to store its own UM data or contracts with UM delegates that store data, NCQA also reviews contracts from up to four randomly selected external entities, or reviews all external entities if the organization has fewer than four. If factor 6 is not addressed in a contract, the organization may also present the external entity’s policies and procedures for review. NCQA reviews documentation from the organization and from each external entity against the factor. To be scored “yes,” the organization and each external entity’s documentation must meet the factor.

Note: The underlined text is an update to the FAQ posted on June 15, 2020. Refer also to the FAQ on the same date regarding cloud storage entities.

MBHO 2020

7.15.2020 Updated: UM 12- Outsourcing Storage of Utilization Management Data To External Entities How many contracts does NCQA review for Elements A and B, factor 6 if an organization outsources UM data to external entities?

If an organization contracts with external entities to store its own UM data or contracts with UM delegates that store data, NCQA also reviews contracts from up to four randomly selected external entities, or reviews all external entities if the organization has fewer than four. If factor 6 is not addressed in a contract, the organization may also present the external entity’s policies and procedures for review. NCQA reviews documentation from the organization and from each external entity against the factor. To be scored “yes,” the organization's and each external entity’s documentation must meet the factor.

Note: The underlined text is an update to the FAQ posted on June 15, 2020. Refer also to the FAQ on the same date regarding cloud storage entities.

UM-CR-PN 2020

7.15.2020 Updated: CR 1, Element C- Outsourcing Storage of Credentialing Data To External Entities How many contracts does NCQA review for Element C, factor 4 if an organization outsources credentialing data to external entities?

If an organization contracts with external entities to store its own credentialing data or contracts with CR delegates that store data, NCQA also reviews contracts from up to four randomly selected external entities, or reviews all external entities if the organization has fewer than four. If factor 4 is not addressed in a contract, the organization may also present the external entity’s policies and procedures for review. NCQA reviews documentation from the organization and from each external entity against the factor. To be scored “yes,” the organization's and each external entity’s documentation must meet the factor.

Note: The underlined text is an update to the FAQ posted on June 15, 2020. Refer also to the FAQ on the same date regarding cloud storage entities.

UM-CR-PN 2020

7.15.2020 Qualitative Analysis If quantitative analysis demonstrates that the organization met its goal or benchmark, must it perform qualitative analysis?

It depends. For initial measurement, the organization conducts quantitative and qualitative analysis of data.  
For remeasurement, the organization conducts quantitative analysis and also conducts qualitative analysis if quantitative analysis demonstrates that stated goals were not met

HP 2020

6.25.2020 July 2020 PCSP Summary of Changes What changes were made to the PCSP Standards and Guidelines?

PCSP (Version 3) Summary of Changes
TopicUpdate Highlights
Standards and GuidelinesAdded the ‘Shared Credit’ symbol to all relevant criteria.
Standards and Guidelines/ Appendix 4The new appendix outlines the updated Merger, Acquisition and Consolidation Policy for Recognition Programs policy.
TC 03Updated language describing an appropriate external patient-centered collaborative activities and clarified than participation in an HIE will not meet the requirement.
TC 08Specified that if appointments are conducted using telehealth, the practice should have a process for informing patients about the availability.
RM 11Highlighted that this criterion is particularly relevant to self-referred patients.
KM 04Specified that monitoring pain or functional health status may not be appropriate for all specialties, so if the category is not relevant or appropriate, a practice should make a different selection.
KM 05Clarified that the practice must use a standardized screening tool and have a process for following up on results.
KM 06Specified that age and gender are not acceptable as a third aspect of diversity.
KM 15Clarified that patients should be proactively reminded of needed services related to the specialty.
KM 20Specified that excellence in a performance-based recognition programs must be at the site level.
AC 01Clarified that the focus of the criterion is to ensure that patients have access to the practice for urgent needs.
AC 02 and AC 03Stated that the reports include calls or messages received both during and after office hours.
AC 04Specified that clinical advice documentation is inclusive of telehealth appointments.
AC 05Stated that continuity of the medical record is inclusive of telehealth appointments.
PM 01 and PM 11Clarified the guidance in PM 01 by moving the reference to motivational interviewing and treatment goals to PM 11.
CC 09Highlighted that follow-up visits may be conducted through telehealth and that follow-up should be consistently documented.
CC 13Clarified that electronically exchanging information should include data both sent and received.
QI 01FClarified that the report provided should summarize collected feedback.
QI 01 Clarified that measures include activities conducted during telehealth visits.
QI 01D.Specified that major appointments may be conducted in person or via telehealth.
QI 01E.Clarified that the access category may include questions regarding telehealth.
QI 05Updated the vulnerable patient population definition.
Policies and ProceduresAdded a description of telehealth in NCQA recognition programs.
Policies and ProceduresUpdated the reconsideration process.
Policies and ProceduresDoctoral or master's level certified or licensed chemical dependency counselors have been added as eligible clinicians to the program.
Policies and ProceduresThe “Discretionary Audit” is now called the “Discretionary Review”.

PCSP 2019

6.25.2020 July 2020 PCMH Summary of Changes What changes were made to the PCMH Standards and Guidelines?

PCMH (Version 6) Summary of Changes
TopicUpdate Highlights
Standards and Guidelines / Appendix 7The New York State PCMH program was integrated into the PCMH Standards and Guidelines and is no longer a separate publication. The ‘NYS’ icon was added to all 12 required criteria for NYS PCMH. The new Appendix 7,  NYS PCMH Recognition Program, outlines the specifics of the NYS program.
Standards and GuidelinesAdded the ‘Site-Specific’ and ‘Cross-Program Shared Credit Option’ symbols to all relevant criteria.
Standards and Guidelines/ Appendix 6The new appendix outlines the updated Merger, Acquisition and Consolidation Policy for Recognition Programs policy.
TC 03Updated language describing an appropriate external PCMH collaborative and clarified than participation in an HIE will not meet the requirement.
TC 08Highlighted the behavioral healthcare manager may conduct their duties through telehealth.
TC 09Specified that if appointments are conducted using telehealth, the practice should have a process for informing patients about the availability.
KM 04Clarified that the practice must use a standardized screening tool and have a process for following up on results.
KM 05Clarified that asking patients for the date of their last dental exam or providing a list of local dentists does not meet the intent of the criterion.
KM 09Specified that age and gender are not acceptable as a third aspect of diversity.
KM 11ASpecified that the identification of a disparity in care/service for a vulnerable group should be driven by the practice’s data and compared to the general practice population. Actions taken to reduce the disparity should be specific to that vulnerable group.
KM 13Specified that excellence in a performance-based recognition programs must be at the site level.
AC 01Specified that AC 01 focuses on assessing patient access needs and preferences specific to appointments. Also clarified that this differs from more general patient experience assessment of access in QI 04.
AC 02-AC 03Highlighted that same-day appointments and after-hours appointments may be conducted through telehealth.
AC 03Clarified that an ED cannot be used to provide appointments outside business hours.
AC 04 and AC 08Clarified that the report includes calls or messages received both during and after office hours.
AC 05Specified that clinical advice documentation is inclusive of telehealth appointments.
AC 06Clarified that disease specific appointments, home visits and group visits do not meet the intent of the criterion.
AC 12Stated that continuity of the medical record is inclusive of telehealth appointments.
CM 02Specified that small sites and satellite sites may share a care management population with NCQA approval.
CM 03Specified that comprehensive risk stratification must include at least 3 of the categories outlined in CM 01.
CM 04 – CM 08Specified that care plans must be established for at least 75% of patients identified for care management.
CC 09Clarified that the agreement may be with a contracted behavioral telehealth provider.
CC 10Clarified that behavioral health integration may be done through behavioral telehealth.
CC 13

Clarified and updated the expectations for engagement regarding cost implications of treatments options. Practices should not only engage with patients regarding cost implications of treatment options, but also provide information about current coverage and make connections to financial resources as needed.

CC 16Highlighted that follow-up visits may be conducted through telehealth.
CC 21Clarified that electronically exchanging information should include data both sent and received.
QI 04BClarified that the report provided should summarize collected feedback.
QI 05Updated the vulnerable patient population definition.
QI 01 and QI 02Clarified that measures include activities conducted during telehealth visits.
QI 03Specified that major appointments may be conducted in person or via telehealth.
QI 04Clarified that the access category may include questions regarding telehealth.
Policies and ProceduresAdded a description of telehealth in NCQA recognition programs.
Policies and ProceduresUpdated the reconsideration process.
Policies and ProceduresThe “Discretionary Audit” is now called the “Discretionary Review”.


PCMH 2017

6.15.2020 Updated: Distribution of Rights and Responsibility to Existing Members and Practitioners Does distributing the members rights and responsibilities statement to all members and practitioners annually, whether requested or not, meet the intent of ME 1, Element B, factors 2 and 4 (RR 1, Element B, factors 2 and 4 in MBHO)?

Yes. Distributing the rights and responsibilities statement to all members and practitioners (new upon enrollment and annually to existing) is acceptable, because it is consistent with prior years' and exceeds the standards effective July 1, 2020. Factors 2 and 4 will be scored yes; organizations are not required to track requests for existing members and practitioners during the look-back period.

MBHO 2020

6.15.2020 UM 12: Outsourcing Storage of Utilization Management Data To External Entities Are cloud-services data storage providers included among the external entities for which NCQA reviews contracts for Elements A and B, factor 6?

NCQA includes external entities that store, create, modify or use UM data for any function covered by the UM standards on behalf of the organization in the scope of Elements A and B, factor 6, with the exception of organizations whose only UM service provided for  the organization is to provide cloud-based data storage functions and not services that create, modify or use UM data.

UM-CR-PN 2020