FAQ Directory

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9.15.2022 Use of NSC to verify education and training Can the National Student Clearinghouse be used to verify education and training?

Although the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) is not an approved source for primary source verification, NCQA allows verification of credentials through an agent of an approved source. NSC can serve as an agent for some institutions. 

Before using NSC, the organization must obtain documentation of a contractual relationship between it and the approved source (institutions that work with NSC). The contractual relationship must entitle the agent to provide verification of credentials on behalf of the approved source. 

CVO 2022

9.15.2022 Social Need Screening and Intervention (SNS-E) For SNS-E, are organizations allowed to count screenings that were conducted using adapted or translated versions of screening instruments?

As an ECDS-reported measure, the SNS-E screening numerator counts only screenings that use instruments in the measure specification as identified by the associated LOINC code(s). Allowed screening instruments and LOINC codes for each social need domain are listed in “Definitions” in the measure specification.

NCQA recognizes that organizations might need to adapt or modify instruments to meet the needs of their membership. To clarify:

  • The SNS-E measure specification does not prohibit cultural adaptations or linguistic translations from being counted toward the measure’s screening numerators.
  • Only screenings documented using the LOINC codes specified in the SNS-E measure count toward the measure’s screening numerators.
  • The Regenstrief Institute, which maintains the LOINC database, has indicated that LOINC codes do not distinguish between adapted and translated instruments.
  • Tool developers have varying policies with regard to cultural adaptation and translations; some state that users may adapt screening instruments, others state that organizations must obtain permission first.

NCQA urges organizations to refer to the tool developer for information about adaptations or translations that are available or allowed.

HEDIS 2023

9.15.2022 Use of future dates to verify education and training Are future dates acceptable for verifying education and training?

No. NCQA does not accept future dates of program completion as valid verification of completion of education and training.

CVO 2022

9.15.2022 Electronic signatures Are electronic signatures (e.g., DocuSign) acceptable?

Yes, if there is a unique electronic signature or identifier and if the organization can demonstrate that the signature/identifier can only be entered by the signatory. NCQA reviews organizations’ security and login policies and procedures to confirm that the signature/identifier can only be entered by the signatory.

CVO 2022

9.15.2022 General Guideline 32: Medicare Socioeconomic Status Stratification Which measures does General Guideline 32: Medicare Socioeconomic Status Stratification apply to?

The Hemoglobin A1c Control for Patients With Diabetes measure should be removed from the measure list. The Plan All-Cause Readmissions measure should be added to the list. This clarification will be in the MY 2023 Technical Update.

HEDIS 2023

9.15.2022 Follow-Up After Emergency Department Visit for Substance Use (FUA) Should the Residential Program Detoxification Value Set be used when reporting the FUA measure? It is not listed in the Value Set Directory.

Yes. The Residential Program Detoxification Value Set and codes will be included in the Update release of the Value Set Directory on March 31, 2023. The OID for the value set is 2.16.840.1.113883.3.464.1004.2408, and it includes two HCPCS codes:

  • H0010     Alcohol and/or drug services; sub-acute detoxification (residential addiction program inpatient) (H0010)
  • H0011   Alcohol and/or drug services; acute detoxification (residential addiction program inpatient) (H0011)

HEDIS 2023

9.15.2022 Race/Ethnicity Diversity of Membership (RDM) The RDM measure references General Guideline 31: Race and Ethnicity Stratification, but the MY 2023 Value Set Directory does not list race/ethnicity value sets or direct reference codes. Are these used when reporting the RDM measure?

Yes. Use the race/ethnicity value sets and direct reference codes in Tables RES-C-1/2/3 and RES-D-1/2/3 (in General Guideline 31) to report the RDM measure. This clarification will be in the MY 2023 Technical Update.

HEDIS 2023

9.15.2022 Oral Evaluation, Dental Services (OED) The OED measure references the NUCC Provider Taxonomy Value Set to identify dental providers. Is this correct?

No. Replace “NUCC Provider Taxonomy Value Set” with “Dental Provider Value Set.” This correction will be in the MY 2023 Technical Update.

HEDIS 2023

9.15.2022 Audit Timeline The HEDIS MY 2022 Audit Timeline posted on NCQA’s website states that organizations must submit all documentation, including Sections 5 and 5a of the Roadmap, by March 1. Does this mean that organizations have until March 1 to submit Sections 5 and 5a?

No. The Roadmap is due January 31. All sections must be submitted by this date. The “March 1” date for Sections 5 and 5a is meant to account for the rare occasion where a supplemental data source is identified after the January 31 deadline and must be considered for audit. These sources must be identified no later than March 1, with a completed Roadmap section. This should be the exception, not the standard process.

HEDIS 2022

9.15.2022 Antibiotic Utilization for Respiratory Conditions (AXR) The Antibiotic Utilization for Respiratory Conditions (AXR) does not include age stratifications and total rate bullets. Was this intentional?

No. A correction will be in the MY 2023 Technical Update. The Ages section in the Eligible Population should read as follows:
Members who were 3 months of age or older as of the Episode Date. Report three age stratifications and a total rate:

  • 3 months–17 years.
  • 18–64 years.
  • 65 years and older.
  • Total.

The total is the sum of the age stratifications.

HEDIS 2023

9.15.2022 PCS Questions Do answers from the Policy Clarification Support system have an expiration date?

We recommend that organizations not use PCS responses that are over 3 years old. If a question relates directly to a measure specification or a general guideline that was revised from a previous measurement year, you should resubmit the question.

HEDIS 2023

9.15.2022 Backdating effective dates Can an organization backdate an effective date for a practitioner to the practitioner’s start date in the network?

NCQA requires organizations to credential practitioners before they provide care to members. NCQA uses the date of the Credentialing Committee or medical director’s decision (in the case of clean files) to determine credentialing timeliness requirements.

CVO 2022