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8.20.2018 How long does it take to earn Accreditation?

The typical evaluation time frame is 12 months from application submission to decision, depending on an organization’s readiness. Some organizations may already be working within NCQA guidelines.

CM-LTSS 2017

8.20.2018 Where can I find the LTSS Accreditation Standards and Guidelines?

8.20.2018 What is the price for this Accreditation?

Pricing is based on multiple factors. Obtain full pricing information by submitting a request through My NCQA.

CM-LTSS 2017

8.20.2018 How do I get started?

If you are not currently accredited and want to learn more, contact NCQA. If you are currently accredited and want to talk to someone about your status or about renewing or adding accreditations, submit a question through My NCQA.

CM 2014

8.20.2018 Where can I find the Case Management Standards and Guidelines?

8.20.2018 Where can I find information to help me get started with LTSS Accreditation?

8.17.2018 General Why did the Massachusetts Health Policy Commission (HPC) create the PCMH PRIME Certification program?

Behavioral health conditions (mental illnesses and substance use disorders) suffer from both under-diagnosis and delayed diagnosis. This is a serious public health problem nationally and across the Commonwealth. Untreated behavioral health conditions contribute to morbidity and increase the total cost of care. The gap in care and treatment for behavioral health conditions requires action and a coordinated effort by providers and payers to ensure that patients get the care they need, before illness is severe and results in a crisis situation (e.g., avoidable ED visit or inpatient admission). Integrating behavioral health—including appropriate screening for behavioral health conditions (and treatment, when appropriate)—is critical in the primary care setting.   

8.17.2018 General Is the PCMH PRIME program mandatory for primary care practices in Massachusetts?

No; PCMH PRIME is a voluntary program. Eligible practices (see below) are encouraged to participate, but are not required to participate.

8.17.2018 General Our practice has questions about the PCMH PRIME Certification program. Who can we contact?

If your practice has additional questions about PCMH PRIME, you can: 

8.17.2018 General What does it mean to be on the “Pathway to PCMH PRIME”?

Some practices seeking PCMH PRIME Certification may be designated by the HPC as on the “Pathway to PCMH PRIME.”  Practices qualify for Pathway to PCMH PRIME status if they are currently NCQA PCMH Recognized (at any level except PCMH 2011 Level 1) and commit to applying to NCQA for PCMH PRIME Certification within 18 months of submitting a PCMH PRIME application to the HPC.

8.17.2018 General What is in the PCMH PRIME Certification program?

PCMH PRIME adds 13 behavioral health integration criteria to NCQA PCMH Recognition standards. A practice must be NCQA PCMH Recognized (at any level except PCMH 2011 Level 1)) and meet 7 of the 13 behavioral health integration criteria to qualify for PCMH PRIME.

Criteria reflect capabilities primary care providers need to develop in order to identify and manage behavioral health conditions in a timely manner. The criteria include integration of, or collaboration with, behavioral health providers; comprehensive diagnostic screenings; identifying high risk patients; referral tracking and follow-up; and provision of medication-assisted treatment for addiction. 

8.17.2018 General How do the PCMH PRIME standards and application process align with NCQA’s PCMH 2017 program?

On September 30, 2017, the HPC released an updated set of PCMH PRIME standards with the aim of aligning with NCQA’s PCMH 2017 program. Beginning November 17, 2017, all practices seeking PCMH PRIME Certification will apply through a new NCQA survey platform (Q-PASS) and will be subject to these modified standards. The 2017 version of the PCMH PRIME standards can be found in the NCQA store and a summary of the differences between 2016 and 2017 PCMH PRIME standards can be found on the HPC website.

Additionally, practices that seek 2017 PCMH Recognition and PCMH PRIME concurrently will have an integrated review process with NCQA, which may include both submitting documentation to NCQA and going through their new “virtual review” process.  Practices that seek only PCMH PRIME Certification (after having already achieved PCMH Recognition) will upload all evidence to Q-PASS, with no virtual reviews. 

While NCQA PCMH 2017 Recognition requires an annual review process to maintain recognition, at this time, PCMH PRIME remains a 3-year certification.