FAQ Directory

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7.15.2016 Standardized Healthcare-Associated Infection Ratio Will NCQA post an example HAI Standardized Infection Ratio (SIR) table to be used when reporting the Hospital Acquired Infection (HAI) measure?

6.15.2016 Collecting data by practitioner prescribers and non-prescribers Must an organization collect access data by practitioners who prescribe and those who do not prescribe to meet all factors in NET 2, Element B?

Yes. This was a change from the 2015 Standards and Guidelines. Organizations must collect and analyze access data for behavioral healthcare practitioners who prescribe and who do not prescribe, for all factors in the element.

5.20.2016 UM 4, Element H File Review and Medical Necessity Denials Are medical necessity denials included in the UM 4, Element H file review?

No. If an organization inadvertently includes a medical necessity denial in the UM 4H benefit denial file review, NCQA verifies that the file is appropriately classified as a medical necessity denial. If so, NCQA scores the file NA. If not, NCQA reviews the files under the benefit denial requirements of UM 4H.

UM-CR 2016

5.20.2016 UM 4, Element H File Review Does UM 4, Element H file review include benefit denials that resulted from the UM medical necessity review process?

Yes. If an organization inadvertently includes a benefit denial in the UM 4–UM 7 medical necessity denial file reviews, NCQA verifies that the file is appropriately classified as a benefit denial. If so, NCQA scores the file NA. If not, NCQA reviews the files under the medical necessity denial requirements of UM 4–UM 7.

UM-CR 2016

4.15.2016 Exchange Benchmarking Data We are looking for external benchmarks for Exchange results. When will they be available?

NCQA collects clinical data for the Quality Rating System (QRS) under contract for CMS, but does not collect or report Exchange data for any other purpose.

Published CMS guidance (https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Quality-Initiatives-Patient-Assessment-Instruments/QualityInitiativesGenInfo/Downloads/2019-QRS-and-QHP-Enrollee-Survey-Technical-Guidance_FINAL_20181016_508.pdf) states (page 19, Section 8, Quality Rating Information Preview Process), “The proof sheets will include benchmark information for measure results and an associated definition/rationale for any invalid/non-numeric results (e.g., NR).”

You can e-mail the Exchange Operations Support Center Help Desk at CMS_FEPS@cms.hhs.gov or phone 855-267-1515 if you have questions about benchmarks for Exchange QRS data. Reference “Exhange Quality Initiatives (MQI)-QRS” in the subject line.

Exchange 2016

4.15.2016 State restrictions on information provided to prospective members and RR 5 If an organization can provide only certain information to prospective members, due to regulatory restrictions, and that information does not cover some requirements in RR 5, how does NCQA score the unmet requirements?

NCQA holds the organization harmless (scores the impacted requirement NA) if restrictions prevent it from meeting NCQA requirements. The organization must provide documentation of the regulatory restriction.

4.15.2016 Organization-level timeliness reports Is a corporate level report acceptable for UM 5, Element G?

No. Reports on timeliness of UM decision making may not be at the corporate level. Reports must be at the accreditable-entity level.

4.15.2016 Product line requirement for QI 4, Element E What evidence must organizations present to meet QI 4E?

For factor 1, organizations present a report of complaints and appeals by product line.
For factor 2, organizations present a report showing member experience results by product line. Organizations are not required to conduct a separate survey for each product line brought forward. If organizations conduct one behavioral healthcare survey across all product lines, results must be presented by product line, even if response rates are low.

4.15.2016 Off-label medication use denials in UM 4H Are denials for “off-label” medication use included in the file review for UM 4, Element H (UM 4F in UM-CR and MBHO)?

Yes. Denials for off-label medication use are included in the scope of UM 4, Element H (UM 4F in UM-CR and MBHO) if the organization covers medications only for “on-label” use.

UM-CR 2016

4.15.2016 Experimental/investigational procedure denials in UM 4H Are denials of requests for experimental or investigational procedures included in the file review for UM 4, Element H (UM 4F in UM-CR and MBHO)?

Yes. If an experimental or investigational procedure is explicitly excluded from the benefits or medical policy, this is a benefit denial and is included in the scope of UM 4, Element H (UM 4F in UM-CR and MBHO).

UM-CR 2016

3.25.2016 P4P Overview In the MY 2015 Value Based P4P manual Humana is included in the list of plans participating in Medicare Advantage measurement and reporting, but is not included in the clinical data file layouts. Is Humana participating in P4P Medicare reporting, and should POs be including Humana members in their self-reported rates?

No, Humana will not be participating in P4P Medicare Advantage measurement and reporting, and should not be included in PO data reporting. Self-reporting POs and health plan clinical data file layouts did not include Humana and Humana members should not be included in self-reporting PO or health plan rates.

IHA 2015

3.15.2016 Classification of pharmaceutical requests at the point of service How should organizations classify requests for medications dispensed at the point of service?

Medications dispensed at the point of service may be classified as any type of request listed in UM 5, Element E, except for postservice requests.