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11.17.2008 Delegating PHQ 2 to an NCQA-Certified HIP PHQ has no delegation oversight standard, but information distributed by NCQA in response to HIP Certification indicates that a delegation agreement with an NCQA-Certified HIP is required to receive automatic credit in PHQ 2. Must a health plan show an agreement that meets the six factors typically required by other NCQA delegation standards?

No. Delegation oversight was not included and is not required.

11.17.2008 Quality measures What criteria does NCQA use to determine what constitutes a quality measure vs. another kind of measure?

A quality measure is one of clinical performance or patient experience, where one can generally identify the direction of good, with a clear definition of what is better performance or worse performance.

11.17.2008 Standardized measures What counts in the denominator for standardized measuresall measures on which action is taken, or all quality measures on which action is taken?

For Element A, the denominator is all quality measures on which the action is based and the numerator is measures that meet the definition of standardized in the Explanation.

11.17.2008 Credit for Physician Recognition Programs Define how NCQA Physician Recognition programs can be used for autocredit.

NCQAs Recognition Program measures meet many of the elements in PHQ.

If an organization takes action based on measures in NCQAs Recognition Programs, the measures meet the elements where specified in the standards. The organization does not need to provide additional documentation about how the measures meet these elements.

NCQAs Recognition Programs are the Diabetes Physician Recognition Program (DPRP); Heart-Stroke Recognition Program (HSRP); Back Pain Recognition Program (BPRP); Physician Practice Connections (PPC); and the Physician Practice ConnectionsPatient-Centered Medical Home (PPC-PCMH).

11.17.2008 Collaborative data Must organizations include collaborative data for certification?

All measures on which an organization bases action are included in the scope of the PHQ Survey, including those that are developed and whose results are calculated as part of a collaborative. The exception is during the first year the standards are in effect (October 1, 2008_September 30, 2009). For surveys that start during that period, the organization may opt to carve out measures from a collaborative. The rationale for this exemption is two-fold. First, organizations will not need to wait until a collaborative undergoes a survey in order to have their own survey. Second, if the collaborative needs to make changes to any measures, methods or processes to meet the standard, it is not within the organizations control to make the changesalthough as a participant, it influences them. This allows time for the collaborative to make changes.

11.17.2008 Board certification and physician quality Will NCQA accept board certification, maintenance of certification and NCQA Recognition as markers of physician quality, or must there also be measurement of NQF markers?

The organization may take action based on physician completion of an ABMS or AOA board performance-based improvement module (generally, in conjunction with maintenance of certification) at least every two years. These activities may be used as a quality measurement activity to meet PHQ 1. Under certain circumstances, the organization may use measures from other national or regional performance-based designation programs to satisfy some or all requirements for PHQ 1, Element A. The organization must discuss this in advance with NCQA to determine if the designation program meets the criteria.

11.17.2008 Adding new products/product lines to existing PHQ Distinction If a plan was initially PHQ Certified in HMO only and now wants to add PPO, is the certification process separate?

NCQA no longer conducts surveys under the 2006 PHQ standards. If an organization had distinction for its HMO under the 2006 standards and seeks certification for its PPO, the PPO must be reviewed against the 2008 standards. Under the 2008 PHQ standards, if a plan manages both products (e.g., HMO and PPO) the same, NCQA can survey both products together. The organization should contact NCQA to discuss its options, including a possible option to upgrade (i.e., apply some results from its 2006 survey to a 2008 survey). Note: An Upgrade does not extend the expiration date of the Distinction; that date transfers to the new certification status.

11.17.2008 Changing measure specifications With regard to patient experience measures, may we use items from CAHPS-CG but change the referent time period? For example, not rating the last 12 months, but rating the last visit and changing the response categories accordingly?

No. Changing the referent time period materially alters the measure and would therefore not qualify as a standard measure for Element A.

Patient experience measures endorsed, developed or accepted by the NQF, AQA, AMA PCPI, national accreditors or government agencies may be used, but the organization must follow the measure or instrument specifications as written.

11.17.2008 Working with hospitals on reporting For PHQ 2, Element E, are plans required to share results, explain how they are used and get feedback from hospitals ONLY if they report the results in a format different from the primary data source. Is this NA if we only provide links to the data?

Factors 1 and 2 are NA if the organization does not change the format of its results from the primary data source. Factors 3 and 4 always apply and are scored irrespective of factors 1 and 2.

11.17.2008 Acceptance of HIP 6 for Autocredit of PHQ 2 Will NCQA accept HIP 6 for autocredit for PHQ 2008?

Yes. The substance of the standards did not change and the purpose of HIP is to give autocredit.

11.17.2008 Exemption process for surveys Can you confirm the process for exemption for PHQ 1?

During the application process, the organization lists and briefly explains instances where it feels exemptions apply.

11.17.2008 Methodology for evaluation of cost measures What constitutes an acceptable methodological approach to evaluation of cost?

NCQA does not prescribe the cost measures an organization selects, though it requires an organization to specify all aspects of its methodology (Element C). In addition, the organization must risk-adjust its measures (Element C, factor 8) and must meet the minimum statistical requirements for measurement error and measure reliability (Element H, factor 2).