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11.15.2013 Scoring Cervical Cancer Screening in 2014 How will organizations be scored on the Cervical Cancer Screening (CCS) measure for HEDIS 2014 reporting?

All organizations will be scored NA for 2014 reporting due to significant specification changes. However, the NA will not count against the eight NA thresholds used to covert to Standards plus CAHPS or Standards Only scoring.

11.15.2013 Effective dates of specificity requirements in Delegation Agreements For Element A in all standard categories in delegation (QI 12, UM 15, CR 9, RR 7, MEM 9), will existing delegation agreements be grandfathered if they do not meet the specificity required in the 2014 Written Delegation Agreement elements?

No. All existing delegation documents must be modified to reflect the specificity requirements before January 1, 2015. All new delegation documents that were effective on or after October 1, 2013, must meet the specificity requirement for standard year 2014.

11.15.2013 Value Set Directory The Summary of Changes spreadsheet in the HEDIS 2014 Volume 2 Value Set Directory lists LOINC code 72732-0 as added to the Sexual Activity Value Set, but that code is not in the Volume 2 Value Sets to Codes spreadsheet.

LOINC code 73732-0 was added to the Sexual Activity Value Set; it was entered incorrectly (as 72732-0) in the Summary of Changes spreadsheet. We apologize for the inconvenience.

HEDIS 2014

11.15.2013 Initiation and Engagement of Alcohol and Other Drug DependenceTreatment The list of code combinations to identify Initiation and Engagement visits do not include codes to identify inpatient admissions. Do inpatient admissions count as initiation and engagement of AOD treatment?

As stated in the paragraphs prior to the list of code combinations, an inpatient admission with a diagnosis of AOD meets criteria for both initiation and engagement. Because NCQA does not specify codes to identify inpatient admissions, inpatient admissions were not included in the list of code combinations. The lists of code combinations include only visits for which value sets exist (outpatient, intensive outpatient and partial hospitalization). Organizations should use their own methods for identifying inpatient admissions when identifying initiation and engagement visits.

HEDIS 2014

11.15.2013 Volume 2 Technical Update In the Volume 2 Technical Update memo, the term "discharged alive" was replaced with "discharged" in measures that include discharges for AMI or CABG. Does this mean that members who died prior to discharge should be included in the measures?

No. Removal of the language "discharged alive" does not mean that deceased members should be included in measures. As with other HEDIS measures, deceased members who do not meet continuous enrollment or anchor date criteria should not be included in the measures Eligible Population. The term "discharged alive" was removed in order to make language consistent across AMI, CABG and PCI (the term had been removed from PCI in the July 1 release of the publication; NCQA received questions about why it was removed from PCI but not from AMI or CABG). In 2015, NCQA intends to remove the term "discharged alive" from all remaining references (i.e., PBH, FUH and all measure descriptions).

HEDIS 2014

11.15.2013 Practitioners listed in the directory that require credentialing Are practitioners listed in the directory within the scope of credentialing?

Yes. Practitioners listed in the organization directory must be credentialed.

11.15.2013 Information required in HA disclosures Is the organization required to explain how it assesses member understanding in the health appraisal under MEM 1, Element B, factor 4?

No. Such a statement is not needed in the health appraisal, although the organization is required to have a process for assessing member understanding of the information required by factors 1_3. For factor 4, NCQA reviews the organization's documented process for evaluating understandability of HA disclosures.

10.15.2013 Core and Structural elements. What is the difference between core elements and structural elements?

Core elements are requirements that an organization must meet even if it has no clients.

Structural elements are requirements that the organization must meet even if it delegates 100% of the function. If an organization delegates the functions associated with a structural requirement, it must provide NCQA with its own programs or policies and procedures and evidence of approval of the delegates documentation.

UM-CR 2013

10.15.2013 Identification of Alcohol and Other Drug Services On page 298 of HEDIS 2014 Volume 2, in the Outpatient and ED section, the 5th bullet states "where the organization can confirm that the visit was in an intensive outpatient or partial hospitalization setting (POS 53 is not specific to setting)." Should the language be changed to reference an "outpatient" setting?

Yes. The language should read, "where the organization can confirm that the visit was in an outpatient setting (POS 53 is not specific to setting)." The intent is to include only codes where the organization can confirm that the visit was in an outpatient setting.

HEDIS 2014

10.15.2013 Meeting UM 7C and 7F using the Notice of Denial of Medical Prescription Drug Coverage. Does the Notice of Denial of Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage meet the same factors in UM 7, Elements C and F as the Notice of Denial of Medical Coverage (NDMC)?

Yes. NCQA accepts the Notice of Denial of Medical Prescription Drug Coverage as meeting factors 1-3 of these elements.

UM-CR 2013

10.15.2013 Scoring and implementation of new Medicaid language in HP 2014. The 2014 HP standards state that beginning July 1, 2014, Medicaid plans will be reviewed and scored on MEM standards, but may submit a plan for implementing the MEM standards by July 1, 2015 (if the functions are not already in place). What is required of organizations that have surveys before July 1, 2015? What documentation is required of these organizations? Similarly, what is required of organizations that have surveys on or after July 1, 2015?

For Medicare, Medicaid and Exchange surveys beginning on or before June 30, 2015, NCQA will review and score the organization on their submitted implementation plan. The implementation plan must address all requirements of the applicable elements and factors, during the first year of review (July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015). NCQA will not resurvey or reevaluate organizations in 2015 to determine if MEM functions are operational. For Medicare, Medicaid and Exchange surveys beginning on or after July 1, 2015, the organization must demonstrate that MEM functions are operational in order to receive the associated points. We do not expect organizations to submit additional documentation between surveys.

10.15.2013 Use of a vendor or delegate for HIP and WHP Certifications. May an organization coming through for HIP or WHP certification use a vendor or delegate for any functions or activities required by the standards and guidelines?

No. Organizations coming through for NCQA HIP or WHP Certification may not use a vendor or delegate for any functions or activities required by the HIP/WHP certification standards and guidelines.

WHP 2013