FAQ Directory

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4.07.2020 AC 04 For AC 04, must a practice report on calls during and after business hours?

Yes, to meet AC 04 a practice’s report must include calls received both during and after business hours. If the practice has different standard response time expectations during and after business hours, they may format this as two separate reports.

PCMH 2017

4.07.2020 CM 01 Could a chronic condition be considered under the high cost/high utilization category if it is expensive to treat?

The intent behind the high cost/high utilization category is that the practice is actively measuring the total cost of services or how much utilization occurs. A diagnosis of a condition may not be used as a proxy for high cost/high utilization. For instance, measuring the number of patients with uncontrolled asthma would not count under high cost/high utilization, but if those patients have multiple ER visits per year, this would be considered high utilization.


4.07.2020 KM 13 Do benchmarked/ performance-based recognition programs at the organization or health system level meet KM 13?

No, organization or health system involvement in a benchmarked/ performance-based recognition program will not meet. For KM 13, the practice must participate in an external recognition program that assesses the practice or clinician-level performance, using a common set of specifications to benchmark results. The external recognition program should also publicly report results and have a process to validate measure integrity.

PCMH 2017

4.07.2020 TC 03 Would being connected to an HIE or RHIO meet the intent of TC 03?

No, connection to an HIE or RHIO alone would not meet the intent of TC 03. A PCMH collaborative activity must be external to practice, involve multiple practices, be ongoing (not a short-term activity), cover multiple aspects of patient-centered care, and involve some level of collaboration between practices to learn and share best practices with their peers. Connection to an HIE or RHIO may help the practice meet elective criterion CC21A.

PCMH 2017

4.07.2020 QI 11 May a practice use qualitative feedback to meet QI 11?

To meet criterion QI 11 a practice must first establish a baseline for a patient experience measure and then set goals and take actions to improve upon this measure. Qualitative measures can be used if the qualitative feedback can be measured and the baseline can be compared to any improvement. An example of this may be the practice trying to reduce the total number of negative feedback responses they receive through a suggestion box pertaining to wait times by 50%.

PCMH 2017

4.07.2020 TC 04 & QI 17 Can a large organization meet TC 04 and QI 17 through a shared Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC)?

Organizations may share a Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC) among sites as long as every site has representation on the council. Large organizations with many sites may consider creating multiple PFACs based on region or clinic type.

PCMH 2017

4.06.2020 AC 10 & 11 If there is one MD practicing at a site with mid level providers (PA, APRN) would this be considered a solo site for AC 10 and AC 11?

If a PA or an APRN shares a panel of patients with a physician then that team would be considered a solo site since all patients are assigned to the primary provider with a single panel.
If the PA or APRNs that have their own panel of patients and can be selected as a patient’s primary care clinician, the site would not be considered a solo site.

PCMH 2017

3.26.2020 COVID-19 If organizations decide to report their audited HEDIS 2019 hybrid rate for one hybrid measure, are they required to do this for all hybrid measures?

No. Organizations may apply this exception (i.e., rotation of the audited HEDIS 2019 hybrid rate) to any or all hybrid measures as they deem necessary.

HEDIS 2020

3.26.2020 COVID-19 For measures where the data collection methodology can be decided at the indicator level (e.g., WCC, COA, CDC, TRC), may organizations choose to apply the exception (report audited HEDIS 2019 hybrid rate) to only one indicator?

No, because of limitations in IDSS organizations must report all indicators of a hybrid measure using the same year of data. For example, if the audited HEDIS 2019 hybrid data are being reported for CDC, then all indicators in CDC must be reported using audited HEDIS 2019 hybrid data. You may not just report audited HEDIS 2019 data for one indicator. This also applies to measures like WCC, COA, CDC and TRC.

HEDIS 2020

3.26.2020 Guidance and Exceptions to NCQA Programs Regarding Coronavirus Has NCQA issued guidance about exceptions or modifications to NCQA programs and requirements in response to the coronavirus?

Yes. NCQA posted guidance for HEDIS reporting and Accreditation/Recognition programs at https://www.ncqa.org/covid/. NCQA is monitoring the effects of the coronavirus on our customers; we will adjust requirements as circumstances warrant. Please continue to check this website frequently as the situation continues to evolve.


UM-CR-PN 2020

3.25.2020 COVID-19 What retrieval rate are auditors verifying against to have the rate considered low?

Auditors are not expected to validate a retrieval rate. There is no required retrieval rate that organizations have to meet in order to decide to stop their hybrid project this year.

HEDIS 2020

3.25.2020 COVID-19 If organizations choose to report their audited HEDIS 2019 hybrid rate, what data elements should they report in IDSS?

Organizations must report all IDSS data elements for any hybrid measure they report using their audited HEDIS 2019 hybrid rate.

HEDIS 2020