HPR uses the prior year Medicare CAHPS data so NCQA will use the corresponding sub ID, therefore, could differ from the Medicare plan's CAHPS sub ID of the HPR release year.
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about NCQA’s various programs. If you don’t see what you are looking for in one of the entries below, you can ask a question through My NCQA.
NCQA currently maintains prior year HPR scores here: https://reviewratingsfinal.ncqa.org. You can also purchase the HPR detailed results file which lists plan’s overall rating, composite, subcomposite and measure level scores: https://store.ncqa.org/other-products/health-plan-rankings.html
NCQA currently does not rate Exchange plans for Health Plan Ratings/Health Plan Accreditation (HPR/HPA). This is primarily because CMS has their own Quality Rating System (QRS), and NCQA has to receive special permission from CMS to use the data for our Accreditation program. NCQA is actively participating in these discussions, and any changes to this policy will be communicated to all organizations in a timely manner.
NCQA defines “state coverage” as the states where a plan is licensed to operate. Plans that submit HEDIS/CAHPS data provide this information each year during the HOQ process. If plans do not submit these data, NCQA uses state licensing and membership data provided for Accreditation or gathered from external sources.
NCQA requires plans to review their projected rating as a final quality assurance step in the ratings process. Although the projected information is subject to change (from continued quality checks), plans must affirm that they reviewed their information and have no questions regarding their Accreditation status or projected rating.
HPR utilizes HEDIS, CAHPS, and HOS data sets and Measurement Years are dependent on HPR year as well as product lines. To find specific data information on each HPR year, please access that year's Measure List by navigating to this page https://www.ncqa.org/hedis/health-plan-ratings/